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Knapsack Ride

moggio's picture

By moggio - Posted on 29 April 2010

Sunday, 16 May, 2010 - 09:00
4 hours
Come Rain or Shine: 
I'll be there, no matter what the weather.
Meeting Point: 

Glenbrook shops carpark


Meet and Great Ride through Knapsack Reserve, Railway Reserve and Dark Commons Reserve

Yet to be decided is meeting location and time.

Note to self: edit this calendar entry and update them when decided.

BM Epic has offered to be the guide. Hopefully he will be able to attend on this date otherwise we may have to reschedule.

Who's in?
Andy Bloot, Isildur, Chuck, ChopStiR, moggio, Ian_A, BM Epic, Andrei74, HEC, trim (10 riders)
Andy Bloot Isildur Chuck ChopStiR moggio Ian_A BM Epic Andrei74 HEC trim
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BM Epic Knapsack The day started early on the 16th may 2010, for it was a meeting time at 9am at Glenbrook, myself and Mel arrived to see a lot of bmorc riders ready and eager to take on the challenge of Knapsack!!! for myself, iwas required to lead the ride, so i...

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ChopStiR's picture

The general census at the oaks ride was to start the Knapsack ride at 9am I believe.

Ian_A's picture


Where abouts in Glenbrook is the meet point?

BM Epic's picture

Meeting point will be Glenbrook shops carpark, the time will be 9am.

ChopStiR's picture

Could we please have a google maps link to make sure I/we understand which carpark you are refering to.

Cheers, Tim

Chuck's picture

Park Street next to Glenbrook Park is where Todd met me last time. See map.

Rob's picture
BM Epic's picture

Sunday is NOT too far away!!!!..pump them tyres and get ready for some technical heaven!

Andy Bloot's picture

You got that shock sorted then Todd?

BM Epic's picture

It's all good now mate, turns out it was the shock pump that was doing the leaking, also had a loose rear deraillueur, loose bolts on my chainrings and my cable tension was non-existent, i am amazed it was riding!
All fixed and feels like a new bike!

Andy Bloot's picture

But will never feel as new as a new bike
Pivot Firebird wasn't it

Actually, stick with what you've got
My envy would be too much if you got one of those
And I'd kill myself following you down the techy stuff

BM Epic's picture

Been thinking a GT marathon will be next or force, absolutely love them, or spec. stumpy.
I hopped on Flynny's gt and it felt awesome!

moggio's picture

Had to bail when the bolts in my stem decided to strip and leave my forks completely loose on a technical decent. Didn't fall but had to walk out disappointed that I couldn't do the ride. Was really enjoying it too!!!

Todd or Big Chuck or anyone will need to take me around there again another day!

Chuck's picture

Great ride today and it was good to see some new faces in the group. Just hope Scott(?) is okay.

Moggio, we missed you man! Let me if you ever want a tour, I'm always happy to get out for a ride.

Photos are up.

Please check the names and let me know. I missed one name sorry.


trim's picture

Mark, sorry to hear you couldn't make the rest of the ride, but thanks for the SRAM link so I could!

Really is very much appreciated. I had a great time, and have found some fun new singletrack. How can I get you a replacement link?

cheers, Peter

moggio's picture

No worries with link... carry around one to give to someone else sometime.

It comes off my old chain anyway which slowly became powerlinks as it kept breaking yet I kept resisting changing my drivetrain. So I have a collection of them.

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