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BMCC Council Meeting - Knapsack DH Trail

moggio's picture

By moggio - Posted on 22 September 2011

Tuesday, 11 October, 2011 - 19:30
2 hours
Come Rain or Shine: 
I'll be there, no matter what the weather.
Meeting Point: 

Blue Mountains Council Chambers

Council Chambers, 2 Civic Place, Katoomba

This will be the final meeting with regards to the Knapsack DH trail.

This one will need lots of support so please go out of your way to be there.

EDIT : Well actually it seems it won't... see comment below.

Who's in?
Nerf Herder, Chuck, moggio, Kingy, DigDig
Nerf Herder Chuck moggio Kingy DigDig
What Happened?

Were you there and have a story to tell?

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moggio's picture

Well it doesn't look like it being that type of a meeting. Just another update for councillors while they wait on the reply from the Commonwealth. So probably not essential for people to come along.

Report is here

The recommedations are these

"1. That the Council receives and notes the information contained in this report;

2. That the Council refers the REF to the Commonwealth seeking a peer review and
concurrence under the federal Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act
(1999); and

3. That a further report is brought before the Council once a response has been received
from the Commonwealth."

So pretty much an administrative meeting. Its also Item no 17...

DigDig's picture

So are peeps going or saving it for the next 1.

moggio's picture

Kingy and I are going and maybe a few others popping up, but I think it is going to be just housekeeping so no real need for rider support at this one.... hopefully the next meeting will be another story.

Isildur's picture

Taken myself off the list then. Bugger though, as now I can't really justify taking the arvo off work! Eye-wink Smiling

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