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The Oaks

At a Glance

Status: Unknown
Double Track:
1 for 0.7km (1%)
10 for 50km (86%)
Single Track - Enclosed:
2 for 7.2km (12%)
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The main Oaks Firetrail is one of the classic Blue Mountains rides, but there's more in this area than just that.

Meeting Point: 

Glenbrook station carpark.

-33.769197, 150.622262 (Glenbrook Station Carpark)
Full Description: 

Won't go into too much detail now as there's plenty written about these rides elsewhere on the internet. Notably, see the Fat Hippy's Blue Mountains rides (link below).

The easiest ride you could probably do here would be to drive to The Oaks Picnic area (on the main firetrail) as there are no locked gates to get in your way. Should be OK in a 2WD but after climbing up from the creek crossing the sealed road ends and can get quiet corrugated (which isn't nice to cycle on either). Anyhow, for that easy ride, park up and head to the Nepean lookout and back, around 10Kms round trip of nice undulating track.

Of course, most people will be a little more hardcore and want more distance from this, so see below for a brief overview of the trails.

Access issues

There is a weir at the bottom of the Oaks Firetrail that you would have to cross on the way to Glenbrook from Woodford, or on the way out if you start riding at Glenbrook. This weir can be unpassable after heavy rain so riders should check the NPWS Blue Mountains closures web page:

Or contact the NPWS Heritage Centre on 02 4787 8877; open seven days 9.00am to 4.30pm.

The Oaks Firetrail

The main trail running from Woodford to Glenbrook. Get dropped off or take the train to Woodford and ride it in the downward direction only, or do it tough and cycle up then down. Tough climbs in both directions, just more of them heading up. Fantastic single track section to the left of the main firetrail shortly after the gate near the picnic area.

St Helena Track

Very technical trail that splits from main firetrail near the top (about 5Kms in?). See St Helena for more detail.

Nepean Lookout Firetrail

As mentioned above, nice and easy ride to a top view:

Nepean Lookout

Why not take in the Pisgah Rock Trail on the way, it's only an extra 700m one way?

Pisgah Ridge Firetrail

A dormant overgrown firetrail that splits away from Nepean Lookout at a hard right in the road (and there's also a small carpark to the left there). It soon turns into a decending low grade single track. The further you ride the more overgrown it becomes. If you persist to the end you will have a view of the Nepean River.

Red Hands Firetrail

Open to vehicular traffic, Red Hands Firetrail is an easy ride that will bring you to a car park. Here you can find 2 Picnic Benches and a toilet. A walking trail is marked as joining back up to the creek crossing on the main Oaks Firetrail. A 5min walk down the trail will bring you to a small cave protected by Perspex containing Aboriginal Hand Paintings of various age groups. The Paintings can be easily seen when squinting through the Perspex. You are not allowed to ride your bikes on the walking trail so you will have to return the way you came.

Facilities/Points of Interest
Glenbrook Entrance Bubbler and Tap

Drinking water can be found on the side of the Toilet block near the Glenbrook Booth.

Glenbrook Park Bubbler

A bubbler can be found near the BBQ's at Glenbrook Park

Tap at top of the Oaks

At the Woodford end you can find a Tap next to the Oaks Firetrail gate

Oaks Middle Gate

The Oaks Middle gate is a common regroup and rest location. A large trailhead sign can be found here with a map of the area and other bits of information. Most importantly, its the start of the Singletrack back to Glenbrook.

Nepean lookout

There's a nice view over Nepean river from the end of the obviously named Nepean Lookout Track.

Pisgah Rock

There's a nice view over the valley cut by Erskine Creek from Pisgah Rock. Like the sign says, "Take care when walking near cliffs".

Portal Lookout

Portal Lookout has a great view straight down the Nepean River

Tunnel View Lookout

Tunnel view lookout can be found just off Mount Portal Trail

Euroka Clearing Parking and Camping

Euroka Clearing has many parking locations.

Glenbrook Entrance Car Park

Parking is available at the Glenbrook Entrance.
Note: A day pass is required to be purchased and displayed on the dash if parking here. Alternately you can purchase an Annual pass.

Glenbrook station parking

There's plenty of parking at Glenbrook train station. While this is a short road ride to the trail head, it's handy for a visit to local shops pre/post ride or taking the train to the top of the trail.

Ironbarks Parking

A small car park is available at the Ironbarks Picnic area

Nepean lookout Parking

Parking is available roughly 500m up from Nepean Lookout

Portal Lookout Car Park

A large car park is available at Portal Lookout

Red Hands Cave Parking

Parking is available at Red Hands Cave Picnic area.

The Oaks Car Park

A small car park is available opposite The Oaks Picnic area.

Tunnel View Car Park

A small car park roughly 100m from Tunnel view lookout

Euroka Clearing Picnic and Camping

There are quite a few picnic tables and fire BBQs at Euroka clearing. Do not use the fire BBQs during a Fire ban

Glenbrook park picnic area

There's a picnic area in Glenbrook Park, just opposite the shops with a free BBQ & picnic facilities thanks to the local Rotary Club and BMCC.

Ironbarks Picnic area

The Ironbarks is a small Picnic area next to the Oaks. Next to the Picnic area is a firetrail running down to Euroka clearing. Access is also available to the Oaks Singletrack

Red Hands Cave Picnic Tables

Red Hands Cave Picnic Tables is located at the end of Red hands cave firetrail.

The Oaks Shelter and Picnic tables

The Oaks Shelter and Picnic tables can be found along side the Oaks Firetrail near the intersection with Red Hands Cave Firetrail.

Euroka Clearing Toilets

There are a few drop toilets at Euroka Clearing

Glenbrook Entrance Toilets

Toilets available at the Glenbrook Entrance

Glenbrook Park Toilets

There are toilets at Glenbrook Park which are open most days.

Red Hands Cave Toilet

A drop toilet is available near the Red Hands Cave Picnic Tables.

The Oaks Picnic Toilet

A drop toilet can be found next to the Oaks Picnic Shelter

Glenbrook train station

Glenbrook train station is a short ride (2.3km) from the end of The Oaks single track or a little further (3.9km) to the start of the dirt section of that fire trail.

Woodford train station

Woodford train station makes a fine starting point for those wishing to ride The Oaks one way (top to bottom). It's 700m from the trail head on Taylor Road. To get to the trail from here, upon exiting the station (away from the highway) turn left, turn second right (away from bridge over the highway) then keep bearing left.

Ride Profiles Here
Glenbrook Coathanger (Euroka+Oaks)
Glenbrook Coathanger (Euroka+Oaks) (20.52Km)

Oaks (Up), Iron Barks(Down), Bennetts Ridge(up), Oaks(up), Oaks Single(down)

The Oaks - One Way
The Oaks - One Way (29.22Km)

Classic Oaks route from Woodford to Glenbrook station via firetrail then sniggle and technical sections at the end.

Oaks one way + Pisgah Rock
Oaks one way + Pisgah Rock (33.65Km)

Standard one way route with Pisgah Rock tagged on (turn right at the gate for an out and back).

Oaks + Mt Portal
Oaks + Mt Portal (34.73Km)

From Woodford down the Oaks adding on Mount Portal

Nepean + Oaks + St Helena
Nepean + Oaks + St Helena (46.57Km)

Up the Oaks taking in Pisgah Ridge, not quiet to the top then return via St Helenas hike-a-bike section.

The Oaks Up & Back
The Oaks Up & Back (53.01Km)

The famous Oaks firetrail up and back from Glenbrook Station.

Andersons + The Oaks
Andersons + The Oaks (59.57Km)

Tougher than it sounds - one way from Wentworth Falls to Glenbrook via Andersons and The Oaks.

Hot Lap Challenges Here
Past & Future Ride Meetings Here
Title When
CareFlight Woodford to Glenbrook Classic 2016 8 years 33 weeks ago
CareFlight Woodford to Glenbrook Classic 2015 9 years 33 weeks ago
crack of dawn oaks 10 years 7 weeks ago
10 years 9 weeks ago
10 years 10 weeks ago
Best Mountain Bike