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Scribblies sunday run.

Andrei74's picture

By Andrei74 - Posted on 23 November 2012

Sunday, 25 November, 2012 - 09:00
2 hours
Come Rain or Shine: 
If it's raining, I won't be there.
Meeting Point: 



Hey all,

yes I'm still alive, have been super busy at work and only see the kids on the weekends so not many chances to ride. So anyway i was thinking on heading up to Scribblies for a quick bash if anyone would like to join me..


Who's in?
Andy Bloot, Andrei74, J the B
Andy Bloot Andrei74 J the B
What Happened?

Were you there and have a story to tell?

Ride Gallery
Andy Bloot's picture

see ya there stranger

moggio's picture

I am a maybe maybe... depends on a few variables......

Andy Bloot's picture

Lots of zombies about.
Blood drenched cars and large pools of blood and dead types staggering around.
(they were filming Wormwood, a zombie apocalypse due for release 2013)

BM Epic's picture

Maybe, maybe, just so close to finishing some major work you guys know of, need to get it done!
So i might!

hathill's picture
BM Epic's picture

that looks unreal, will it be as good as zombieland though??
The shorts looks as though it could be a contender!

Andy Bloot's picture

They're not sure where it's going to be shown yet
But there sure are some classic zombie heads
Mark thought it was just the moto zombies from Katoomba getting around in a blood spattered ute

Hey Todd - the decision to ride or dig is always a difficult one
But when a new section is demanding of attention, the decision is obvious
Next time

moggio's picture

My freehub is completely gone now and to top it off my rear tube blew up in the sun I guess on the back off the car on the drive home. Gotta do some repairs.

Andy Bloot's picture

At least you didn't get manhandled by a zombie on the way out

moggio's picture

The road was blocked by them and their blood soaked ute as I was leaving. If it had been night I would have been a little scared. Zombies by day are a lot less threatening, especially when they wave.

J the B's picture

I gave them an artistic suggestion on the way out. Stick a zombie in the mass of yellow flowers near the car parking area. They reckon they'll do it, so that should be memorable.

BM Epic's picture

I had an awesome day of pushing my bike, went up to do some spadework, seen jp and have a quick 15min chat, then time to get riding, ride in front of about 4 riders preparing to go into same single, so its time to show off with some fast flowing local know how, know how turned to know what, massive sidewall gash and flat, managing to look like a classy dork pulling bike up without stack, 15 minutes later im ready to go again(time to show these dudes whos boss), 90 metres later another blowout, i showed them blokes how to look an idiot and walk a bike back home!

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