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Dirty Duathlon - Off road run/ride race

grantd's picture

By grantd - Posted on 21 May 2013

NB: Originally posted elsewhere on the Global Riders Network and appears via syndication.
Sunday, 16 June, 2013 - 10:00
2 hours
Come Rain or Shine: 
If it's raining, I won't be there.
Ride Database Entry: 
Kinross State Forest
Meeting Point: 

The city of Orange is around 4 hrs from Sydney and 3 hrs from Canberra. Kinross State Forest is situated on the northeast edge of town, a 10 minute drive or 20 minute ride from the Orange town centre.

Meet at the Bulgas Road carpark, Western edge of the forest.

-33.269312,149.16427 (Bulgas Road carpark)

In June we are combining with the Orange Triathlon club to put on a 'Dirty Duathlon'. This will combine off road running with off road riding.

We tried this last year but got washed out.

I have a feeling that us mountain bikers will be catching people during the bike leg so take it easy and be nice as you pass. Especially as the tri-athletes will be catching us again on the run Eye-wink

Have a think about what shoes and pedals to use and as you will switch. These tri-athletes are used to swapping shoes quick and we have to try and not be humiliated too much Eye-wink

Duathlon Details
We will hold the following races starting at 10:00am:

. Juniors 400m run 1km bike 400m run
. Mid 1.5km run, 6km bike, 1.5km run
. Long 3km run, 12km bike, 3km run

Register between 9:00 and 9:45
We have to pay State Forests for use of their facilities and day
licences for those non members who have not joined either club yet so
costs will be:

$5 for members of Orange Tri Club and or CWORBC
$15 for non members. If you want to join CWORBC see the membership page under 'club info'.

Details of the course closer to the date.

Who's in?
grantd, Colesy01, marc k
grantd Colesy01 marc k
What Happened?

Were you there and have a story to tell?

Ride Gallery
grantd's picture

I just realised I created this event yesterday as cancelled.... oops.

The event is certainly on.

grantd's picture

And.... I had some inconsistent date and times.....

To confirm, it's on 16th June at 10am

grantd's picture

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