You are hereCalendar / Knapsack Volunteer XC & DH Maintenance day - Saturday 8th November

Knapsack Volunteer XC & DH Maintenance day - Saturday 8th November

ChopStiR's picture

By ChopStiR - Posted on 12 September 2014

Saturday, 8 November, 2014 - 08:00
4 hours
Come Rain or Shine: 
I'll be there, no matter what the weather.
Ride Database Entry: 
Knapsack Reserve
Meeting Point: 

Lovers walk Firetrail Gate, get onto Barnet St and head north uphill, the gate and parking is just past the 'S' bend.


The meeting will take place at the front gate of Lovers Walk (Barnett St), please be ready with tools in hand at 7:50. At this time we will move to the work site for the day and a briefing will take place.

The day will be focused on the XC trail with the potential for additional work on the DH.

Blue Mountains City Council have hired Adrian from Synergy to lead the Maintenance days.

Trail maintenance will only run for 4hrs. To get the most out of it, please arrive early and be ready to start.

Council and Synergy need to know a week in advance the number of Volunteers that will be coming. With a bigger turn out, Council and Synergy will hire more staff for the day which also means we can get more done.
If too many people are turning up unannounced it is possible Adrian may have to turn volunteers away. We do not want this to happen so please register if you are coming.

Please click link below or send an email to

Who's in?
Chuck, ChopStiR, moggio, deadparrot, miggle, trickydavo (6 riders)
Chuck ChopStiR moggio deadparrot miggle trickydavo
What Happened?

Were you there and have a story to tell?

Ride Gallery
ChopStiR's picture

Sorry guys, Date and start time has been changed from Saturday 1st to Saturday 8th.

ChopStiR's picture


moggio's picture

Well I will be there.. hopefully we can get some good XC work done.

Any feedback on what stuff they are looking at working on?

Chuck's picture

It's all good to go Mog. See you on Saturday.

Chuck's picture

Went back to Knapsack today for a spin on the new work. Here's a few photos.

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