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Knapsack Rip and Brush + BBQ and Ride

ChopStiR's picture

By ChopStiR - Posted on 24 November 2014

Saturday, 20 December, 2014 - 09:00
3 hours
Come Rain or Shine: 
I'll be there, no matter what the weather.
Ride Database Entry: 
Knapsack Reserve
Meeting Point: 

Lovers walk Firetrail Gate, get onto Barnet St and head north uphill, the gate and parking is just past the 'S' bend.


Part of the trade off agreement to get the new trails we need to formalise a loop. The day will be focused on ripping and brush matting trails that are no longer required.

We will be working a short stint from 9 to 12.

Council will be providing lunch and Adrian from Synergy is bringing the BBQ.

For those interested, we will finish the day with a social lap around Knapsack so bring your bikes.

All are welcome, best tools to bring are Matics and loppers.

If you are coming please click the link to show it or send an email to
We need to give council an accurate number of attendees for catering.

Who's in?
Chuck, ChopStiR, grantly, moggio, stephen, Butts, nakor, turkeyface (8 riders)
Chuck ChopStiR grantly moggio stephen Butts nakor turkeyface
What Happened?

Were you there and have a story to tell?

Ride Gallery
moggio's picture

Looking at the take up on this, I am wondering whether this is just too close to Xmas?

ChopStiR's picture

We'll have Synergy, Council and I'm assuming Bush doctors aswell. Any number of volunteers on top of this is a bonus. I've got my mate staying over fron Perth also so I'll try and drag him along.

Chuck's picture

I'm still a maybe! Just not 100% sure what's happening that day as yet.

Vinno should be there too.

stephen's picture

I'll be there to make up for the last couple I couldn't make.

Dr Toxic's picture

Only just found out that this is on. Definite maybe, but have to see how things are shaping up later in the week. Will post a decision on Thursday/Friday.

Chuck's picture

I'm in. And I'll bring a bike for a social lap.

Chuck's picture

Andrei and Vinno will be there too, plus maybe a couple of extras that have also contacted me directly.

moggio's picture

Thanks to everyone that came and helped!

Also a big thanks to Trish for providing the food and for all her help and support this year.

Another big thanks to Adrian and Synergy for the BBQ itself, but of course all their efforts and work this year.

Looking forward to more work next year. Hopefully sometime in February after the Xmas season is over.

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