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trail building
The Resurrection of Lumleys Climb
There's a car park (click for foggy picture) on Springwood Road - just down the way from Hawkesbury Heights if you're looking for a suburb name.
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This is the trackwork session you don't want to miss, one word....Lumley’s!
We have the last round of our Summer 4hr Series on Sunday the 19th and we would like to use this trail. If you’re not familiar with it, it’s the trail to the right part way in the climb out of Max's Bridge.
This trail hasn't been used for some time because of major erosion but we have plans to resurrect it, this is the biggest job we have attempted in a long time.
RNP track work day scheduled for this Saturday
Hi all,
Sorry for the late notice but just a reminder that we have a track work day scheduled for this Saturday.
I’m going to get some good quality crushed sandstone dumped up at the northern top end of the single track, so any of those sites that need patching can be done. Or would it be better to have some dumped next to the railway tracks as well?
Patsy will be taking you so at least you’ll get a decent morning tea for a change.