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Talk about ACT/Canberra Trails
Canberra Easter
I heading to Canberra for Easter weekend and thought of going to Kowan or Stromlo for an early Saturday ride if anyone is interested.
Current state of Sparrow Hill...
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Well, I was in Canberra on the weekend and even though I knew Sparrow Hill was being logged and chopped by the road redirection, seeing it in person was quite a surprise.
Its now a 12km trail (rather than 38km) and most of the really great bits are gone (ie stuff like Bob Sled, Rigour Mortis, Heavy Cow and Home Run). A fun ride still but not the special trail it once was
I'm sure great new stuff will be built, especially as the work on the trail over the road for the Mont.
I haven't seen any pics of the forest in its current state so for those interested, here are a few.