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The 100 club

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By philberesford - Posted on 14 March 2009

NB: Originally posted elsewhere on the Global Riders Network and appears via syndication.

In a word this ride turned out to be everything I hoped for, EPIC!

We took it steady, with plenty of breaks to take onboard extra water and food. So it took close to 9hrs to complete. Stopping all stations at: Helipad, Woodford Gate (food), Creek Crossing, Ingar End (food), 2nd Creek Crossing, Woodford Gate (food), Helipad.

I finally banished my 70km demon as I went on to add an extra 106km on the clock. So now I know I can go the distance. I'm a very tired but happy chap this evening.

Sadly, this ride will most likely have been the last off-road jaunt for my trusty XTC2 as I take delivery of my 575 on Monday. It held up well and did me proud. I will still use her for my daily commute into the city and back. So now I'll have 2 mistresses as well as the wife.

Jos broke his chain on the very last hill before the final freewheel down to the car. How lucky was that!

Drove home in probably the worst driving conditions I've experienced in many years. The rain was so heavy, visibility on the motorway was down to within 30meters or so. Except when the lightening lit up the sky, however I was unable to use this as a consistent light source, so had to rely on my wit and cunning. I feel sorry for the 2 guys we met at Glenbrook car park just heading off for a night ride.

Dirtworks here I come...

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