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Glenbrook/Knapsack LeTour

Sunday, 21 November, 2010 - 09:00
Ride Database Entry: 
Knapsack Reserve
Meeting Point: 

Meet at Glenbrook, corner of Park and Euroka Streets


Cancelled - see you all some other time!

Knapsack Reserve

At a Glance

Status: Unknown
Double Track:
7 for 2.2km (12%)
8 for 4.3km (23%)
2 for 2km (10%)
Single Track - Enclosed:
29 for 7.1km (37%)
1 for 1.7km (9%)
4 for 1.8km (9%)
moggio's picture

DH Opening

Chuck's picture

Old firetrail

Some of the old firetrail at Knapsack Reserve.

moggio's picture

Knapsack DH Jumping

A variety of tracks with a mix of firetrail and technical single track. Currently a bit of a maze which allows for creating your own loop.

Also includes a legal DH Track.

Chuck's picture

Single track?

Start of some nice single track. Not the firetrail, the single track on the right that's hard to see and most riders totally miss it.

Chuck's picture

Creek crossing

Top of the first creek crossing, just behind the soccer clubhouse.

Chuck's picture

More single track

Single track crosses an old firetrail that's been brush matted.

Chuck's picture

Short and sweet single track

It's only 100 metres long, but it worth every twist and turn! If you're a speed demon keep out and please don't trash it.

Chuck's picture

Old firetrail

Some of the old firetrail at Knapsack Reserve.

Chuck's picture

The Chute

Descent down to the Knapsack creek, next to the old sewage works.

Chuck's picture

The Creek Track

The creek track, looking up from the small cave. Where someone once lived by the looks of it.

Chuck's picture

Eroded single track

Some typical single track at Knapsack Reserve.

Best Mountain Bike