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Enduro Loop 1a (MX run)

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To see this feature in context with others in the same area, view Newnes Plateau map.

A nice way to start the Endure Loop from the Zig Zag rail way end.

Starting just past the concret ponds at the Water works dam turn off follow the side road the parallels Newnes Forest road. Just before this rejoins the main road head down to the left.

This use to be a very over grown fire road that soon became single trail, however last time i was there it had been up graded and a pumping station for clarence colliery was being developed not far in.

Single track now starts just behind the pumping station.

Glen's mystery tour of messed up mayhem

To see this feature in context with others in the same area, view Lidsdale State Forest map.

This was a nice little ride/walk....

After a fun DH and some not so fun up hill slogs we turned of the firetrail 1 gully to early and found ourselves following some very "over grown" single trail... before reaching the top fire trail again and then on into the second bit of single trail near the old forestry house.

Not a bad ride, the up hills are a real challenge if you want to try and push yourself and the single trail a little straight if your not going full pass on a moto but interesting all the same

Wellesley Road

To see this feature in context with others in the same area, view Lake Woodford map.

Lawson's Long Alley

To see this feature in context with others in the same area, view Mount York map.

Smooth graded 4WD track ending at a drainage culvert with hand rail followed by the old unkempt track which is mostly wide, some good, some rough, ending down in the valley.

Technically (from the North end you'd know this) it's a gated private rd to access this area which is why you should use the walking trails just along the west of the road and houses probably great sniggle value, but we was tired and this KML rode the road back to the pub (closed for a private function) and to the camping ground where Cox's and Lockyer's come together at the road.

St Helena Track

To see this feature in context with others in the same area, view St Helena map.

Blue Gum Swap

To see this feature in context with others in the same area, view Winmalee map.

Although the topo map says Blue Gum Swamp trail runs along the ridge line just to the East of this valley, signs at the location seem to suggest this trail down in the valley is Blue Gum Swap.

Mixture from firetrail in the North, to thinner, almost single track in the middle opening up a bit to almost firetrail again at the South end.

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