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pembo6's picture

rear shock advice

NB: Originally posted elsewhere on the Global Riders Network and appears via syndication.
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Hi. I am after some advice re: rear shocks. I have not owned a dual suspension bike before but I am currently looking around for something cheap (older in decent condition).

I will be riding mainly XC style with some easier AM thrown in. I dont like to hit the big downhill stuff.

Considering that I will be riding uphill trails a fair bit, is there anything in particular that I should be looking for in a rear shock? I am mainly worried about pedal bob and losing a lot of momentum when riding up hills.

viper's picture


NB: Originally posted elsewhere on the Global Riders Network and appears via syndication.

What has been the best upgrade you have done to your bike?

[Mod. moved to MTB Gear]

hathill's picture

Shimano QR Hub Cone Adjustment

Hi all,
Quick question relating to Shimano QR hub cone adjustment.

Do you 1) leave the tiniest amount of play before installation and let the QR compression take it up?
or 2) Adjust the cones to have zero play prior to installation of the QR?

I have been doing No.1 but not sure if there is enough bearing preload being applied. (There is no lateral play in the wheel once installed)

Interested to know anyones thoughts/experience on this one.

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