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Bee's Nest

Ian_A's picture

Winmalee social 50km (with shorter bail-out options)

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Saturday, 7 June, 2014 - 08:00
Ride Database Entry: 
Meeting Point: 

End of White Cross Rd, Winmalee, NSW. There's a small parking area here but it's a standard suburban street so overflow isn't a problem.

White Cross Rd @-33.664410, 150.610910

G’Day all,

It’s been a long time since we’ve had a social ride around Winmalee and while it’s mainly fireroad, it’s still fun.

The plan is to meet at the end of Whitecross rd at 8:00am and start the loop there.

There are 2 early bail-out points but the plan is for a pretty solid 50km. The planned loop will be as follows;

• Head along Shaw’s ridge, down the Shaw’s descent and up Bee’s nest hill to the lookout.
• Back along Springwood ridge, through Todd’s sniggle then down into the Grotto (possible bail-out point).

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