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BMORC Membership drive
As we are coming up to the end of the 3month period where the search for an alternative track is meant to outline any sites, this is a timely reminder that the next couple of weeks will be an important time.
I encourage you all to contact your ridding buddies and generally discuss within your communities and networks the opportunity to show council that we support sustainable trails and are willing to volunteer to both assist with the conversion of illegitimate and unsustainable trails to long term sustainable trails.
Your aim is to identify those people that are both willing to show their support whether by writing in to council and or attending organised meetings with council.
Please direct these people to register on here so that we can better manage communication.
As very brief FYI, reps met last Friday 4th to discuss next steps. We will be ramping up our efforts with initial steps already commencing. We are currently working through our contact lists and will be issuing broader communications with actions in the coming days.
Thanks for your patients and continuing support, I apologise for the seeming lack of progress, however, the situation is pretty much working as anticipated and we are working behind the scenes to make sure all the little ducks align so we can have the most impact on our Council Leaders.
Looking forward to getting in there and working with council staff to reverse the damage.
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