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Ourimbah Helmet Cam Footage

jp's picture

By jp - Posted on 26 April 2011

NB: Originally posted elsewhere on the Global Riders Network and appears via syndication.

Some highlights form my ride at Ourimbah yesterday.

ben.archer's picture

You have me sorely tempted to make a run up there as it looks like the track is in great condition and has missed the worst of the rain we have had here. Can you post a status update pls?

Brian's picture

I would guess that was in the morning. I was driving back to Sydney from up north and it was bucketing down somewhere around midday. Have a look at what Gosford received.

The below is taken here

staffe's picture

Such a great track. Been thinking of doing the same but you beat me to it. goPro?

jp's picture

Yes, it was dry in the morning but it started raining just after I left, so I didn't post a status update. It looks like it got a soaking in the afternoon.
And yes, GoPro!

geoz's picture

i almost needed an outboarder when i rode it today arvo.

Greatdane's picture

Was hoping to ride at ourimbah on Wed , sounds like I may have to put it off until later in the week

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