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Knapsack Reserve Build Day Saturday 29th September

moggio's picture

By moggio - Posted on 05 September 2012

Saturday, 29 September, 2012 (All day)
7 hours
Come Rain or Shine: 
I'll be there, no matter what the weather.
Meeting Point: 

Lovers Walk entrance on Barnet St


Working on the rest of the top part of the DH trail we started work on last month.

Who's in?
Isildur, Nerf Herder, ChopStiR, moggio, Kingy, HEC, Vinno, deadparrot, eddy, DigDig, Dagashi, Username2, Bop, CJonaBttlrckt (14 riders)
Isildur Nerf Herder ChopStiR moggio Kingy HEC Vinno deadparrot eddy DigDig Dagashi Username2 Bop CJonaBttlrckt
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Were you there and have a story to tell?

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Vinno's picture

Can only be there a couple of hours as I am going to Canberra to race the Kowalski. Need to get away around 11.00 at the latest.

Ian_A's picture

I'm at the Kowalski also, I'll be heading down early as I'm on holidays and will get in a recce ride.

Muninjitsu's picture

Cant make it sorry, will be in Narooma on holidays.

scblack's picture

Hi, I will attempt to get here for the 29th Sept build day.

I now work in Emu Plains, so having a legal DH track round the corner will be great.

DigDig's picture

Just remember LONG PANTS LONG SLEEVE SHIRT and a HAT or its home to get them.

deadparrot's picture

Can't we wear cargo shorts, with Five tens, long sleeve t-shirts?

DigDig's picture

no mate cargo pants are fine but not shorts its a WHS thing.

ChopStiR's picture

Done some shopping yesterday and picked up a pair of King Gee Work Cool pants and a cool dry long sleeved hiking shirt from rivers. Hope i can make it through the day with out ripping my hair out. God I hate long sleeved shirts and pants!

DigDig's picture

so whos blue cooler bag did I end up with from the last one

HEC's picture

Which tools to bring?

Nerf Herder's picture

rakeho, muttock. pry bar if you have it ... a rake.

I think there will be rock work and brushmatting again.

It would be good if we could organise groups and outline a brief plan in here prior to the day

Username2's picture

I'll be bringing the usual assortment of tools (shovel, pick, saw, stone working tools etc), i have also invested in a rakho recently too.

Be warned of the circle of death...

Two teams might be the go,
one to do the re-gen / brush matting work (possibly corralling too) and another to set the alignment and building of features / rock armoring where applicable?

moggio's picture

Kingy wants to finish adjusting the lower rock work and the section that blocks the entrance to Lovers Walk. I'd say this team then needs to go and work on the hip jump at that middle water bar where Keiren and Co were working last time and get that nailed.

In the meantime a team doing regen all up the hill which is important to finish. While doing this some doing rock work to handle coral issues on corners as well as embedding rocks for rock garden/armouring/slowing riders/drainage. So people in this team will probably swap between mattock work regen and mattock work rocks.

Talking to Trish again tomorrow ironing out some more of the logistics.

Ian_A's picture

I think that was mine Wes. I had the lunch in it on the 1st weeding day but had to leave early.
Not worried about it to be honest, bin it if noone wants it.

DigDig's picture

ok its the knapsack sack now.

deadparrot's picture

What is the starting time for Saturday? And where are we to gather, at the soccer club, or elsewhere?

ChopStiR's picture

I believe the start time will be 9:00am and meeting location will be on Lovers walk at base of DH works.

Mog, correct me if I'm wrong.

moggio's picture

Exactly as Tim says for location.

Start time 8:30am.

If anyone has a wheel barrow can they bring it.. we could probably do with at least two.

HEC's picture

I will bring a wheelbarrow, mattock & shovel.

moggio's picture

Oh also try and bring some kind of eye protection and the obvious gloves.... a hat, sunscreen and probably insect repellant.

hathill's picture

I'm out - one of the kids kicked me in the ribs at the pool and it is not fun.
No sneezing or laughing for me.

Isildur's picture

No broken hand. And got the leave pass! Well, at least for the morning! See you there Smiling

Nerf Herder's picture

presume rain or shine ?

moggio's picture

yeah... rain should be clearing tomorrow....

moggio's picture

A big thanks for everyone who came along and helped in any way. We got quite a lot done and I think we are learning the processes better. Hopefully the results are satisfying to people.

BTW did anyone take and pics they could either email through or upload?

Chuck's picture

Just been over to check out the work. Looks like some more great work. The closure and regen of the link track is good to see. Did you use a machine to break up the ground?

Nice work!!

ChopStiR's picture

I hand picked it all solo Eye-wink

I'll upload photos during the week.

Nerf Herder's picture

Tim just sunk one end of his mattock in as deep as possible and started walking around ... lap after lap

Good to see some new faces having at it.

Kevin de Brus's picture

Hey Everyone, I was one of the new faces, with the little girl =). Great to see people 'chipping in' to make our facilities better. Bummer I could stay for longer...

moggio's picture

Glad you could come along Kevin. Your little girl reminded me of my little girl a few years back.. cute and confused as what are all these crazy people doing?

I think next build day we will all be better organised in teams and planned. From these first few we have learned a lot about how they run and where the weaknesses are in getting stuff done efficiently. Also people show what they are good at so we can organise people to their strengths.. well at least we can try. Its a learning curve.

Chuck's picture

Looks like I'm not the only one who has rolled the second last jump at the bottom of the DH track. There are several more scrape marks on the rocks now. Stay hard left if you wish to roll in on an XC bike. Maybe that's why the logs were moved too.

ChopStiR's picture

Yeap, second last rock jump is not rollable. Plenty of chainring and pedal scratches already.

Looks like walkers have pushed the brush matting aside at Clintons Hip jump to create a clear walking path.

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