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Knapsack Reserve Build Day Saturday 8th December

moggio's picture

By moggio - Posted on 01 November 2012

Saturday, 8 December, 2012 - 08:30
6 hours
Come Rain or Shine: 
I'll be there, no matter what the weather.
Meeting Point: 

Lovers Walk Car Park Barnett St Glenbrook.


If some of you want to get there at 8 am I can talk people through the work and the tasks we are to do.

We will have an induction with Council staff at 8:30am, tool talk, clean tools, saftey, register names and discuss the plan for the day.

After this assign teams to the tasks. I will list the tasks below, so if you feel you have a special leaning for one of them put up your hand.

JP will be running an ICMS system (that is a management system of the tasks).

I will be running around like a headless chicken... call me on my mobile for contact 01419164528.

BBQ will be there. Still bring as much water as you can.... you will need it.

So the tasks are as I see it... and who may be good on these tasks

1) Finish Rehab of unused trail from previous day. - Tim, Michael + 5 etc

2) Finish Rehab of extra Loop trail - Tim, Michael+ 5

3) Rehab of DH access fire trail - Tim, Michael + 5

4) Finish Rehab on DH trail - 2 people

For the rest reference this doco

5) Top DH Start Rock Feature - Thinking Dan + 2 or 3

6) Top RH Corner armour - Wes + 2

7) Top Rh corner - cambered corner armour - Wes + 2

Cool Cambered corner on second jump - Rory and Gus

9) Shark Tooth Jump b-lines - Kingy + 3

10) Shark Tooth Jump - cambered corner - Kingy + 3

11) Bottom Berm Rock Garder - Maybe me + 2

12) Coral Rocks - see what happens

Who's in?
Isildur, The Brown Hornet, Pedalgogy, Chuck, ChopStiR, moggio, BM Epic, Kingy, trim, xtc, deadparrot, DigDig, Dagashi, 0psi, Username2, miggle, rcheahsb (17 riders)
Isildur The Brown Hornet Pedalgogy Chuck ChopStiR moggio BM Epic Kingy trim xtc deadparrot DigDig Dagashi 0psi Username2 miggle rcheahsb
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ChopStiR's picture

Looks like a good plan coming along keep up the good work guys, I'm keen to get that brush matting complete.

Nerf Herder's picture

Good to see some new names on here. from the planning there is lots to do so be good if we had a few more hands.

Isildur's picture

Yep, see you there!

Chuck's picture


The Brown Hornet's picture

This should be a good day. I'm looking forward to it.

moggio's picture

Still awaiting final details with council which I will post more about when I know more, hopefully by Tuesday.

These are our plans still waiting final approvals.

Looks like it will be a hot day so remember hats, sunscreen and lots of water!!!

Muninjitsu's picture

Sorry guys Im out, work Christmas Party has taken precidence

moggio's picture

Council will be ripping some of the XC trail stuff on Thursday or Friday and cutting as much rehab material as they can so it will be ready for us.

They will also be moving rock in before the date.

I am going to coming up with a basic list of team numbers and respective tasks I will post tomorrow. So if someone wants to put their hand up for one then all the better.

Should be hot so make sure you bring hat, sunscreen, extra water and bug repellant.

The Brown Hornet's picture

Are long sleeves and long pants mandatory?

moggio's picture

I'd say long pants would be while long sleeves are just sensible.

Council finally got back to me on the works we proposed a few weeks back and rejected the plan listed in the document which was to get some of the rehab offsets done as well as providing something for the XC riders.

The proposed works for this day for the DH were however approved.

So essentially what will be done on the day

1) The works listed in here for the last of the rock features on the downhill. These are the starting rock feature, some armouring, rock garden and some "armoured cambered corners"

2) Also moving in coralling rocks at the bottom near lovers walk.

3) Rehab work on a trail coming off near the one we previously rehabed.

4) Rehab of the remainder of the downhill and rehab of the fire trail that leads to the start of the DH from lowers walk.

I will present some more detailed information tomorrow and try and split up some teams.

0psi's picture

I'm in but probably not till mid morningish.

rcheahsb's picture

I'm sort of new to doing this and will be asking a couple of dumb questions.

- The meeting point is "Lovers Walk Car Park Barnett St Glenbrook", where exactly is this? I can't seem to find it on google map.

- From the car park, do we walk to the area which we'll be working on? or do I bring my bike?

- Apart from bringing my own food/water, is there anything else I need to bring?



moggio's picture

If you look at the map you link to, its just north of where Barnett St joins York St. You can see the dotted line going into the reserve. There will be quite a lot of cars so it is hard to miss.

Its a little walk, around 10mins, you can bring your bike though.. always good to go for a ride after.

Bring any tools you have like shovels, mattock, rake hoe, stone tools etc. If no tools if you have gloves bring them and eye protection.

***** Also please bring a wheel barrow if you have one ****

ChopStiR's picture

Mog, you listed Al above for Brush matting but he will be at the Menai working bee.

Steel Cap boots are good especially if working with the rocks.

Hat and sunscreen

If you have tools council staff can drive them in for you to save carrying them to the work site.

Important for everyone who is bringing tools to give them a brush down at home to remove any left over soil/organic material from the last time you used them.

It also helps to give them a spray down with a 70% Methylated spirit & 30% water dilution to kill any contaminants/pathogens. If you don't have access to this mix, that is fine as council will be spraying all tools on the day. Also recommended to spray the base and side of your work boots.

rcheahsb's picture

got it thanks for the directions. I don't have many tools though, I'll bring what I can.
no wheel barrow :'(


Username2's picture

All the teams look good to me! I know wes was keen to finnish one of the sharks teeth..

I'm sure there'll plenty tools to go around, there normally is!

moggio's picture

Hey Rory bring your rock tools and your basher thing!!!!

If people have specific wants then they can go to that task to be sure... and as Wes is really passionate I want him to do what he can really dig his teeth into where he can be most effective

Another reminder about wheelbarrows if anyone has one.

BM Epic's picture

See you people there.

0psi's picture

Will there be anywhere decent to stash a bike if I ride one of them road bike things down?

The Brown Hornet's picture

I'll have a couple of bike locks if you want to lock it wherever you're working.

Username2's picture

As JP said, take the bike to where your working and lean it up against a tree. Plenty of bikes for the local junkies to choose from that way Eye-wink, but in all seriousness i think it'll be fine and i definitely wouldn't lock it up near the car park.

deadparrot's picture

I'll bring my old wheelbarrow, fire rake, shovel etc.

see you tomorrow morning at 8:00

The Brown Hornet's picture

I haven't attended the other Knapsack build days so I can't compare, but I reckon yesterday was pretty good. A good turnout with some of the usual suspects, but also a bunch of new faces.

A fair bit of vegetation work was completed at the top and on some other areas, and when I left around 1:30ish the rock features were well on the way to completion.

Mog's plans were top notch and having experienced builders directing others at each of the rock features worked well. I enjoyed working with Tim, Brian, Trim, Roland and the others on the matting and veg work. Would I be right in thinking that the numbers on the day were enough for the jobs and materials at hand?

Sorry I jacked the jobs board Mog. I got carried away with packing up!

Any other feedback?

Chuck's picture

Like most things with mountain bike riding, it's all about progression of skills. Each time we have a build day we learn something new.

I missed the third day, so not sure what quite happened on the day, but we learned from it and the planning this time was solid from weeks of work. So the day just flow on from that. Could it have been better, well there's always room for improvement, but I'd say we did a great job.

It was great to watch Paul and the guys ride some of the work, it gave us a better idea of line choices and this will only add to our knowledge for design.

I'd like to thank Gus for the hug, it made me feel a lot better man. Smiling

Thanks to all that came out to assist and I hope to see you all next time!

ChopStiR's picture

Great day and big praise to the new faces especially the young faces.

Emptied my pockets when I got home and pulled out Rory's orange Stanley knife. Had completely forgot it was there and couldn't figure out how I didn't notice for several hours. Give me a PM Rory and I'll get it back to you.

The Brown Hornet's picture

I'm with you Tim. It was really good to see the group of young, fit guys getting amongst it under the whip of Kingy.

moggio's picture

I was happy the day went and think we got a lot done.

A big thanks to everyone who joined in. Special thans to JP for getting the BBQ food and all organised and Todd for cooking and being water boy. Great to see some new faces and Kingy's younger DHers also wroking really hard. Thanks to Trish and Bush Doctors for providing the materials for rehab and rock.

Having specific teams working on various sections worked pretty well, though I am sorry for Rory, Dan and co having to make some adjustments when I fimnally made it up the hill. Smiling

Was good working on the last berm when Kingy and the other guys were riding the line so that it could be tweaked. Always interesting to see the lines people use.

Hope everyone went home feeling as physically shattered as I did.

Also if anyone took some pics can they add them to the gallery.

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