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Withdrawn: Powershot Project (ex bmorc basher)

ChopStiR's picture

By ChopStiR - Posted on 19 March 2013

Note that this is "Withdrawn" so is here for archive purposes only.


Didnt last long when I placed it on the front lawn with a free sign, hope its gone to a better place.

Now that I've rode it in this years BMORC bash im wanting to offload this heap of junk.

Size: to small for me. Would be guessing a medium, maybe a kids large.

Function: Thats a sticker on the chain stay. Not sure what the function was as it functioned poorly.

Parts worth noting:
Plastic brake set.
Saigaun grip shifters.
Plastic coated crank now clicking.
Track stand

Possible reasons you may want it.
Cash profit from a scrap metal yard, Its quite heavy.
Build your own fixie.
You have a young boy obsessed with pulling things apart and putting them back together and this will distract him from the toaster.

Pick up or local delivery only (Penrith)

Chuck's picture

I think the reasons you might NOT want this bike will be way longer than the reasons why you would want it. Smiling

Mr Hathill or Rory could come up with some gems.

hathill's picture

I think the list of parts worth noting gain this privilege for all the wrong reasons.

Username2's picture

Prospective buyers should be informed the "feature": Track Stand is actually a stand for holding the bike up when not being ridden (while the owner past present is buying bread and/or free-range milk). This bike can by no means possible actually perform a track stand or "endo". To prevent the user trying such stunts a preventiteve warning sticker has been installed, in addition to such measures the handle bar clamp has been specially designed to slip and render the bike unridable if used off-road.

Muninjitsu's picture

Tim how much are you paying to take it off your hands?

J the B's picture

This little beauty got you from A to B without a single mishap, and now you're heaping shit on it. It performed its function of transporting you down a rugged dirt road without complaint or resentment, and so deserves a measure of respect.

J the B's picture

... and then rename it to Powershit Project.

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