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Green light for Bantry Bay!

Simon's picture

By Simon - Posted on 20 December 2013

NB: Originally posted elsewhere on the Global Riders Network and appears via syndication.

Finally! 6 years almost to the day since we began lobbying we have success in Sydney National Parks.

Great news, thanks for all the local rider support and supporting TrailCare.

Will have more news early next year.

mikethebike's picture

Like! Smiling

Lach's picture

... and others who have put an effort in on this. Just need to see it happen now.

Matt P's picture

Who will actually build the trail?

Volunteers or an external supplier?

hawkeye's picture

... professionally built at least for the most part.

The logistics of getting the materials in presents some challenges, as most of the TTFs and bridges are being built from rock rather than timber to ensure fire resistance.

SingleSpeedDan's picture

Does anyone know the time frame until it would be complete?

Simon's picture


"On 10th December 2013 NSW Environment Minister Robyn Parker adopted the amendment to Garigal Plan of Management and the current plan of management can be found at:

As you would be aware the proposed draft amendment to the Garigal National Park Plan of Management and Review of Environmental Factors (REF) relating to a proposal for a new mountain bike track in the Bantry Bay area and increased horseriding opportunities in Garigal National Park was placed on public exhibition from Friday 31 May 2013 to Friday 26 July 2013.

There were approximately 280 submissions received for the Plan of Management amendment and the Review of Environmental Factors combined, with a wide range of issues covered. Submissions were considered and the NPWS supported recommendations in relation to mountain biking and horseriding regarding visitor education and enforcement including signage, design of tracks to minimise environmental impacts, monitoring, cross-tenure matters and track closure and rehabilitation of unauthorised tracks.

The Garigal National Park Plan of Management now allows for the establishment of 2 connected loop trails at Bantry Bay:
• the Eastern Loop being 3.6 km consisting of 2.25 km single width track with the remainder as land management trail of an advanced-intermediate grade
• the Western Loop being 2.85 km consisting of 1.5 km single width track with the remainder as land management trail of an easy-intermediate grade.
Both single width trail components would be 'one-way' and ridden in a north to south direction.

Also approved in December 2013 was the ‘Review of Environmental Factors (REF) relating to a proposal for a new mountain bike track in the Bantry Bay section of Garigal National Park’. This is required of NPWS under the EP&A Act and its purpose is to assess likely environmental impacts and to make a determination as to the project proceeding subject to any necessary mitigating measures.

The tender for undertaking the Bantry Bay mountain bike track will be placed on the NSW eTendering website and it is expected to close early in February.

Construction is expected to commence in mid-march 2014, subject to any necessary mitigating measures as outlined in the Review of Environmental Factors determination and recommendations pertaining to the approval of the Plan of Management amendments. These include installation of signage that confirms the skill level required and that the track is primarily designated for use by mountain bikes and details for the ongoing monitoring of visitor usage, track condition and environmental safeguards.

We will be looking to meet with you all early in 2014 to discuss the next steps for the project and proposed timetables and options for the future of the stakeholders group."

Heckler's picture

Finally construction starts today.
D-9 Bulldozers & Heavy earth moving equipment on site, should create the perfect trail for Fixies, Rigid riders & Single speeders

Matt P's picture

Heckler, I note today's date...........?

Andy Bloot's picture

Is this a wind up

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