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Lake Canobolas Tracks - Tree planting

grantd's picture

By grantd - Posted on 21 October 2014

Note that this ride is Cancelled.
NB: Originally posted elsewhere on the Global Riders Network and appears via syndication.
Saturday, 8 November, 2014 - 13:00
3 hours
Come Rain or Shine: 
I'll be there, no matter what the weather.
Ride Database Entry: 
Lake Canobolas Mountain Bike Park
Meeting Point: 

Front gate. Lake Canobolas Road. Opposite the entrance to Lake Canobolas.

Please DO NOT park on the side of the road here, if the gate is shut then park at the Lake and walk/ride across.

No Pets.


Good news folks,

Its time to stick the lipstick and eyeliner on... the new track that is. Council has kindly secured some trees for us to be planted out on the new Lake Canobolas MTB Park.

So if you are keen to lend a hand and want to drink from the cup of uberfeelgoodness, come along on 1pm Saturday 8th November to get your hands dirty - you can always wash up afterwards!.

We will put on a BBQ so bring your bikes and your kids (not your dog) for a fun afternoon.

We are expecting to have around 120 trees so many hands make light work.

What to bring:

long sleeves, broad brim hat, sunscreen decent boots/shoes, water.

Spades, mattocks, rakes, mallets for the stakes, watering cans maybe some wheelbarrows.

So if you haven't had a chance to get involved so far please come along an join in the fun!

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its me's picture

Wow your going to have a busy day grant ridding to hill end and planting tree at the lake wow how fast do you cycle

grantd's picture

Yeah it's a shame to have the events clash but we gotta get stuff done. The Hill End ride will be good so that's a valid excuse for not helping plant trees, everything else is invalid Eye-wink

grantd's picture

Words from scott:
Unfortunately due to the dry conditions and difficulties sourcing plants the Council is unable to supply plants for the proposed planting day on Saturday.

This means that we will have to postpone until we have some better seasonal conditions. Apologies to those who have planned around this event. Hopefully we can start in the near future - once we get some rain.

If you are looking for alternative things to do the BUGS group are running their ride to Hill end on Saturday, details are on the website.

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