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Single Track - Exposed

The Ewok Forest

To see this feature in context with others in the same area, view Hassans Walls map.

The one dates from the early 80s.

It was christened the Ewok forest after some movie but before "Ewok" became synonymous with elevated north shore trails.

The Pottery Track

To see this feature in context with others in the same area, view Hassans Walls map.

The Pottery trail is a nice run, a little straight but a bit more full on than the Gun club.

A short steep up hill breaks it up a little. Steeper and rockier than most of the other trails on the reserve

Channel 6

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To see this feature in context with others in the same area, view Hassans Walls map.


A great introduction to Hassas Walls single trail (though a little over grown at the time of writing)

A tight and twisty start gets faster and steeper as you near the end of the ridge.

You pop out onto the fire rd a couple of time. At the end of the ridge head back in to the left before the tower and brace yourself for the infamous Ch6 rock garden.

High right to start and thread you way back to towards the center. If you make it though take the high right turn.

A long fast straight filled with Hwalls baby heads follows then it down left and into the maze.

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