You are hereCalendar / Glenbrook National Park gate to Oaks gate then back down the single track.

Glenbrook National Park gate to Oaks gate then back down the single track.

stephen's picture

By stephen - Posted on 28 October 2010

Wednesday, 3 November, 2010 - 17:30
1.5 hours
Come Rain or Shine: 
If it's raining, I won't be there.
Meeting Point: 

Glenbrook National Park Car Park

Glenbrook National Park

Going to start riding this on Wednedsay's after work. It's 18kms and would take me an hour on the single speed. If no interest in the ride I will probably do the ride a little earlier, so make sure you post up or pm me if you want to come along.

Single speed friendly and all levels welcome. I am a bit slower down the single track as I am spinning out most of the way so may not suit gun riders.

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Chuck's picture

Might be a able to make it every few weeks until mid December and then all good. Will let you know more next week.

stephen's picture

Weather looks nice so far, track should dry out today.

Come along, can go up to Woodford and back if anyone prefers a longer ride. Just want to at least get a regular mid week ride in.

Look out for a Black Rav and a bloke riding a Slingshot single speed.

Chuck's picture

The causeway should be all clear by tonight, it had a little bit of water over the footpath last night.

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