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1st time run of Kanangra before Oct race

vtr boy's picture

By vtr boy - Posted on 04 July 2011

Note that this ride is Cancelled.
Thursday, 7 July, 2011 - 07:30
3 hours
Come Rain or Shine: 
I'll be there, no matter what the weather.
Meeting Point: 

Don't know yet...


Last minute thing, sorry guys. But going to ride the Kanangra Classic course on Thursday 7th July, nice and early. 50 k's that I've never seen before.
Don't know if I'll get another opportunity to do it before the race in Oct.
I'll be leaving very early to try and kick off not too long after sunrise. Will be taking the course map and map board to sus out this course. (and a compass, seeing I'm planning on going myself)
So if anyone's keen, you're most welcome to tag along, sorry about the late notice, but that's how I roll...umm, pun intended... I normally make my mind up a day or 2 before I go out. Not good for socializing I know, but it's hard to look too far ahead with work, the missus, motorbike riding...
I'll definitely post what the course was like though.

Too windy, got up was just imagining the track full of fallen trees.
Did turn out to be an awesome day tho...
Will be definitely going one day, will give everyone more notice.

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vtr boy
vtr boy
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stephen's picture

Would like to pre ride the course but working tomorrow. Let us know how long it takes you to get around Mark. We will expect a ride report.

I did think about coming along, get there at 6:30 finish about 9:30-10 and late start at work around 11:30ish but somehow I think it will be a bit longer all up.

vtr boy's picture

Sorry Steve, got up at 4.30 and it was blowin so hard I just crashed out agian. Regret it now tho, cos it turned out to be an awesome day. Ah well, plenty days left before the race.

stephen's picture

With this wind I would have pulled the pin too.

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