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Oaks up - Ingar up - Anderson's down - Oaks down

Tristania's picture

By Tristania - Posted on 29 January 2012

NB: Originally posted elsewhere on the Global Riders Network and appears via syndication.
Saturday, 10 March, 2012 - 07:30
7 hours
Come Rain or Shine: 
If it has rained on this trail today, I won't be there.
Ride Database Entry: 
Ride Database Entry: 
The Oaks
Meeting Point: 

Glenbrook station carpark.

-33.769197, 150.622262 (Glenbrook Station Carpark)

So who's up for 100+ km of dirt?

I've always wanted to do this classic ride in both directions (much harder going up!), and in the light of the Convict 100 in May (formerly Dirtworks) this gives me all the more reason to do such a long ride. Obviously not for the faint hearted, but any of those brave enough to join me, be my guest.

Here's how it'll go:
Leave Glenbrook 7:45, riding down to causeway, on dirt road to The Oaks and along the Oaks Firetrail. Long grind!
Hopefully reach Woodford by 9:45 & refill water
Down Murphy's Firetrail to Bedford creek (Downhill for once!)
Up Ingar Firetrail (right turn just after Bedford Ck) and a long slow grind up to King's Tableland road - by 12 hopefully
Left at Tablelands road & turn off at Anderson's Fire Trail, back to Bedford Ck where we branched off
Up the "little" ascent of Murphy's Fire Trail
Reach Woodford by 2
Glenbrook via The Oaks - ETA 3:30
Glenbrook Bakery!

Any alternatives fire away.

This is a full fleged MEN'S ride! So harden up and do it.

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No confirmations as yet.
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kymbolino's picture

But went up Ando's then down Ingar's. Was a very broken man by the end of it all. Not to mention going over the handle bars on one of the 'speed bumps' on the descent to the creek on the way back. Couldn't see over it and the other side was a total mess from the rain, a knee deep muddy crevice caught me.

Recommend taking a small towel so you can clean and dry your feet after crossing the creeks, they' a bit high at the moment!

Bike computer recorded it as 102km, which I hadn't done before. I guess good prep for anyone lined up for the 100km capital punishment later in March.

Also, i'll be making sure I save a lot more energy for Woodford to Glenbrook leg - totally different experience after doing all that other stuff before. Struggled! But maybe you're a lot more conditioned than I was. Took me 10hrs, but had ran out of energy on the way to Glenbrook so had to stop a bit.

Tristania's picture

Would be good prep for anyone doing 100km - me, dirtworks (which is actually 104km). Any particular event you're training for?

philberesford's picture

It's a good ride. I often do this, it's great training for all the Enduro's and much safer going UP Ingar and DOWN Andos. Now Ando's is graded you can easily hammer this ride in about 6.5hr mark. Don't forget the first 50km is all climbing all the way to Wenty.

Brian's picture

Here is the profile. This goes up Ingar and down Andersons.

Tristania's picture

Yes, that's the reason we all do AndOaks from Wenty, because it's mostly downhill aside from the two major climbs up.

But I like the idea that I get the serious uphill out of the way first. I've figured it's better doing Ingar up (that's the plan), knowing it's a long grind up on dirt road. And I really enjoy the Anderson's descent and would be ridiculous to do it in the other direction.

Feelin' fit! At least I'd better be feeling it! Either that or stupid...

Ian_A's picture

I did this ride solo on new years eve - just pace yourself and you'll kill it.
I can't remember my splits but Oaks up was 1hr 45min. Total moving time was just over 6hrs. Actual time out was 7hr 20min.
I actually finished stronger after this than the Oaks up and back I did the week before it (if I can hold big ring on the singletrack until just before the start of the techy bit I'm doing good).
Ingar up is not a fun ride but Ando's makes up for it.
I can't understand why so few people ride Ando's - its heaps better than the Oaks and mainly downhill (except for the big one I guess).

Tristania's picture

Either I'll kill it or it'll kill me.

6 hours isn't too bad, and finishing with the 10+km downhill after the helipad is attractive. Ok basically the whole reverse route is in the downward direction - 800m vertical difference! My goal for Dirtworks is under 5.5 hours, but as it's my first one, I won't kill myself for that time.

Yes, I'm under the impression that Ingar is a long drawn out uphill, but good training, and will make me appreciate the waterbars on Ando's even more rewarding.

It's true, I personally prefer Ando's to Oaks. I guess fewer people ride it because a) it's farther out, b) most Ando's riders (me included) always combine with the Oaks, and c) it's a harder ride - longer, steeper, rougher uphill at the end. Though that being said, Ando's gets plenty of traffic whenever I do it; usually about half of those on the train stay on up to Wenty.

But this time, I'm not going to be on the train, it's all in my legs!

philberesford's picture

There's a train? Eye-wink

Oh and Ingar is usually corrugated all the way up, which is always nice too... not.

Brian's picture

Love the enthusiasm, just curious though, what is your previous longest (time) ride

Tristania's picture

Well, I've spent full days out on the bike lasting many hours, though in terms of distance none quite as far, though I've hit 75km when I did AndOaks following on to Emu Plains, and did a 60km GNR training ride at a pretty intense pace. Not too concerned though; I've road ride 30km most mornings and run/gym regularly - and I need to do this - after all, how do I complete Convict 100 without being able to hit 100km?

First time for everything. Yes, I look forward to the corrugations on Ingar. Will deal with them in best possible light!

Brian's picture

I agree, some people say you only need to train 3/4 of the distance but me personally, I say include rides that are going to take the same amount of time although the distance might vary.

AdrianG's picture

Talk about timing! I was setting up the same ride ... but for this weekend ... then saw your listing.

So I'm dead keen, but the 10th is only one week out from the Capital Punishment. Too short! (Suspicions are the legs will need a little R@R beforehand, yes.)

Any interest in moving your's forward to within the next couple of weeks instead?

Or there's the other option - doing it twice!? Now and then again on the 10th?

(Now lets see... what were your words? "This is a full fleged MEN'S ride! So harden up and do it." So think of it as an opportunity for us to be TWICE the man!! Smiling )

Cheers, Adrian.

AdrianG's picture

Update to my post of a couple of minutes ago ... I'll join you on the 10th! But I'll do it also this weekend. Need the mileage and intensity of a ride like this to get ready for the CP.

Tristania's picture

Sounds good, I'd join you this weekend but I'm doing the BMORC Oaks bash and I'm super keen to do that!

Let me know how it goes, best wishes this Saturday!

Yeah, if that suits, I'll keep it for the 10th of March.

I may run into you this weekend, I'm going down the Oaks on my old rigid with the rest of the BMORC pack!


AdrianG's picture

Best wishes to you, if you are. Trust all is good and nothing serious hurt. Also - most importantly - that the bike is still a 'goer'!!

Best wishes to the other Tristan, if you aren't.

Tristania's picture

I was at Uni today, very far from the Oaks!

What did you hear about? I'm now curious!

AdrianG's picture

Helicoptered out, but seems to be on the mend.

See this post; 'Thanks to all those that helped a fallen comrade at the Oaks today' (

Brian's picture

That was last year

Tristania's picture

Luckily I've never had to contend with any of that rubbish and don't intend to start at it today!

AdrianG's picture

Howdy. What do you mean by your comment? Contending with rubbish and not starting at it?

PS: By now well aware that it was an old post. OOps!

Tristania's picture

Luckily I haven't crashed my bike to the extent of the other Tristan in the post.

Yes, it was an old post and looking through it, I'm amazed at how many people thought it was me who crashed! But it wasn't.

Tristania's picture

I assume you still did your "little" ride today despite no-one else signed up? How'd it go, you still alive?

Hey, how'd you feel if we moved the start time forward to 07:00?

AdrianG's picture

Howdy Tristan. Did the ride, and ... freekin' AWESOME!!! What a blast! Plus the hardtail FLEW! Reminded me of all the reasons I love this lark so much. Yup. A certifiable fan. Smiling

The route is a HOOT! And really not as bad as I was worrying. From start to end, it really is a great ride. A real mix of stuff to the test all aspects of your riding. Plus, the extra distance makes it that much more worthwhile. Smiling

Have you done it before? Were you out there today? How'd you go? (Conditions couldn't have done anything more to help! Surely it doesn't get any better? Smiling

In fact ... didn't you do the BMORC? I ran into them at the helipad. What a fun concept! And a really funny bunch. I loved the posts. LOL

For my ride - the time was slow; about 9 hours out on the trails, all up. All up, about seven and a half hours riding, I think. (GPS/computer conked out, so I don't have accurate records.)

Out there longer than I needed to, in hindsight (more stops than I needed, getting lost, riding through to Wentworth Falls, carrying too much, ..) , but this first time gives me a standard to better.

I'll be going out there again next week. The fitness isn't quite there yet, but this riding will sort that out in no time at all! It can't be beaten for a training run!

I'll post the ride again. Let me know if you think you're interested.

Given I have no record (GPS track) of the ride (grrrrr), I'll make a note while I remember (or think I do. Could be way out!) Times were something like;
- Weir to Woodford; 1:45. (9:10 to 10:55)
- Woodford to Wentworth Falls (village tea room) via Ingar; 2:15? (11:20 to +/_ 13:25)
- WF village to Woodford via Andersons; 2:10 (14:00 to 16:10)
- Woodford to helipad; 35 min. (16:20 to 16:55)
- Woodford to weir; 1:20/-30? (16:20 to 17:40/45)

See how I go next time! Got some times down here to better!

Tristania's picture

Otherwise I would have done it with you, but the BMORC Oaks bash was such a fun ride (not comfortable though!) I'll see how things go this week, and yeah, I could come along - Saturday, I guess. I'm about to switch my tyres to tubeless, hopefully that's an asset. In fact, something's come up for me on the evening of Sat 10th, so I may be better off doing it next Saturday INSTEAD of then. How's that for you?

AdrianG's picture

This Saturday? Absolutely.

You want to change the date of this ride? Otherwise I'll just create a new one.

I'm keen on a 7am start as well. Just need to check that there aren't any track works ... all good ... arrive at the station at 6:56. 7am at the car park it is.

Roll on Saturday ....!

This is like waiting for Christmas. Smiling

Tristania's picture

I'll check it's still ok, but is should be good.

Sat at 7am is good, this Saturday.

Just create a new database for this ride as it's obvious that the date is changed if anyone wants to come along.


German Dan's picture

Good Day,

Rode Anderson+Oaks up and down yesterday, and it was tougher than ususlly, as it was pretty wet, muddy and humid.
Also had to take the shoes off, because the creeks carried so much water, and all the rocks and the tree were under water.

Still an awesome ride though - love the rides in the Blue Mountains -Ride on!!
Cheers, Dan

BM Epic's picture

One of the reasons all the trails up here are taking an absolute flogging from mtb riders, people keep riding whether its muddy or saturated????

Tristania's picture

That's why I didn't go last weekend. The weather had been such rubbish I didn't even know if the creeks were crossable and I'd just paid for a $400 service, didn't want another one quite so soon...

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