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IMBA Trail Building Workshop - August 18th & 19th
As you may be aware we have been working fairly closely with the Rangers at Yellowmundee and Glenbrook with several Volunteer events including Tree Planting, Plant Ecology and ID, Aboriginal Culture Heritage Days, Carp Fishing Contests, Lantana and other weed eradication days, Trail maintenance, Re Veg and drainage works; and last but not least a 2 Easter Trail Hosting days.
With this we have been able to get involved in the Glenbrook Park upgrade, worked on much needed maintenance on the Oaks Single Track, attened a Soil Erosion Workshop and now a full 2 day Trail building workshop.
On August 18th and 19th BMORC and WSMTB will be attending an IMBA Trail Building workshop kindly organised by The Rangers @ Richmond / Yellowmundee initial course outline is as follows
Power Point (PP) Session 1:
Ø Introductions, meet and greet participants
Ø Introduction to sustainable trail design
o Elements of sustainable trails
o Designing sustainable trails
o Using inclinometers to find sustainable grades
Ø Intro to building corners and turns
Ø Trail flow – the key ingredient
PP Session 2:
Ø Construction techniques
Ø Intro to trail armouring
Ø Australian creek crossings
Ø Trail Maintenance techniques
Practical Session – Onsite
Ø Tools and safety (OH&S and trail work)
Ø Rolling Grade Dips, Jumps, Pruning (for example)
PP Session 3
Ø More on how to build great corners
Ø Mastering trail armouring
Ø Intro to trail network design
Ø Australian signage examples
PP Session 4
Ø Advanced trail maintenance techniques
Ø Trail advocacy techniques
Ø Finishing trails
Ø Overview and close
Practical Session – Onsite
Ø Site specific works
Ø Finishing trails
We have limited spaces and priority goes to those that have actively participated in our volunteer efforts, particularly with the Lantana Lashes. I am unsure of exact numbers however I'm looking for about 12 to 15 in total.
Please indicate below if you are available and interested. Note If we have more then 12 I'll see if we can get additional spaces.
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Count me in!
I'd love to do this.
Saturday and Sunday would be the 18th and 19th Al.
And I'm fuggin' working both those days. THIS SUCKS!!!
Oi Wes, you are keen right? Lol
yep keen as.
sorry guys, even though I am keen I won't be there, it's exactly when I am away
Looks like we can fill all 25 spots now
So register your interest.
Well count me as interested.
Al, count me in.
I got all excited about this after reading an advocacy piece in some Star Wars tragic...
You mention Richmond/Yellomundee. Is that also the course locations?
Hey Al
Can you fit me in
The last one was very informative
Put me in big guy, gotta get my fat arse down there!
I retract my previous post. I'm on annuals so count me in! I'll make sure Todd's buxom physique gets down there!
If, that is, there's still room for one who moved away
Have given up my mountain home and am back in the city, but if theres a space i'd be keen to attend.
If there's room, I'm definitely keen.
Dagashi ... your on the SC Butcher innit ??? if yes, apologies I can't remember your missus name, but if she is interested please letter her know I bags'd her a spot
Shame Gilbo ??? was the Commute the main reason for the move back? Haven't seen a few of you since the last workshop I think so be good to catch up.
I'll list out spots once school holidays are over
Yep - the Butcher is me..
Cheers much, while Allie is keen to come along and help out on the builds and cleanup - she'd prefer to leave the planning to others..
It's not just about designing but how to build it practically also. I highly recommend she comes. She will regret it if she doesn't.
1) Tim
2) Michael
3) Mog
4) Wes
5) Rory
6) Kingy ?? You'll be good to come to this with your hip and all Dood ??
7) Dagashi
8 ) Peter (Trim)
9) Andy
10) Todd ... can you let me know if Jeff is interested ??
11) JP
12) Gaby
13) Gilbo
14) J the B
15) Me
16) Lyle
17) Jeff ??? TBC
8 more places which I can prolly fill with Menai people but prefer this to be Mountains gig
I will need to take a register of names ...
Please PM me your Full Name, Email address, mobile and Suburb and I'll do an excel and send to Paul.
Note: last email from Paul.
Would it be O.K if you take a register of names for the program (18th & 19th August) and maybe do a bit of promo??
We have booked the venue and IMBA.
We are looking to have
Sat – Morning tea / Lunch - Lutanda
Sun - Morning tea – Lutanda / Lunch – Yellomundee;
Paul, Keirilee & Vik
Marty Krieg will be running the workshop ... We'll need a guide familiar with the track to show him around on the Friday I think ... can I get some hands ... Mr Cove and Todd did it last time.
Is this the one?
761 Springwood Road
Yarramundi NSW 2753, Australia
1300 733 189
I'll confirm Tim
the river crossing was great fun the other week so why not, love to learn more, thanks for the bags'd spot. I'll be there
Bop ... have I got you on there ??
reminder I need details
Bop = Allie. My missus
So, with the unfortunate circumstance of me breaking my hand on the weekend, I'm wondering what my status is? I'm definitely still keen to come to the workshop if possible, but I feel bad that I won't be able to participate in the physical work.
If places get tight, I understand if my place has to go to someone who can actually help with the labour!
Let me know!
The 19th is a Sunday & the 20th is the Monday (obviously) - Are these dates correct?
Its for the 18th & 19th August
1) Tim
2) Michael
3) Mog
4) Wes
5) Rory
6) Kingy ?? You'll be good to come to this with your hip and all Dood ??
7) Dagashi
8 ) Peter (Trim)
9) Andy
10) Todd ... can you let me know if Jeff is interested ??
11) JP
12) Gilbo
13) J the B
14) Me
15) Lyle (TBC)
16) Jase (TBC)
17) Jeff ??? (Bush pilot) TBC
18) Bop (Allie)
19) Jeff Cutter
20) Perren (TBC)
That means I can still make it
Put Jeff in, i have told him and he is very interested, so put him in!
1) Tim
2) Michael
3) Mog
4) Wes
5) Rory
6) Kingy ?? You'll be good to come to this with your hip and all Dood ??
7) Dagashi
8 ) Peter (Trim)
9) Andy
10) Todd
11) JP
12) Gilbo
13) J the B
14) Me
15) Lyle (TBC)
16) Jase (TBC)
17) Jeff (Bush pilot)
18) Bop (Allie)
19) Jeff Cutter
20) Perren (TBC)
Thanks for those that have PM'd me details ... still need a few more from those on the list.
If there isn't any more interest I'm going to open it up to other groups.
I'm keen to learn, and will do menial labour suitable of my status. PM'd you Nerf.
Al, please don't forget to add my mate John Domeney to that list.
1) Tim
2) Michael
3) Mog
4) Wes
5) Rory
6) Kingy
7) Dagashi
8 ) Peter (Trim)
9) Andy
10) Todd
11) JP
12) Gilbo
13) J the B
14) Me
15) Lyle (TBC)
16) Jase (TBC)
17) Jeff (Bush pilot)
18) Bop (Allie)
19) Jeff Cutter
20) Perren (TBC)
21) Grant Byrne (TBC)
22) John Domeney
23) Kriss Heimanis
24) Gaby
*edit ... soz Gaby
Note ... I'll start culling out TBC if there are firm vollies interested.
No room for the broken eh?
need details for todd/ Jeff (bushpilot) , Rory and trim ... soz rory, I can't find the PM with your details from the trail host thing. ... I've got everybody elses
Grant, Jase, Perren are 50:50
Not sure about Lyle
So at least 5 spots.
Dietary requirements ... I'll presume there are no special needs unless I get an Pm or email
I'll email all those on the final list with details prior to the 3rd Aug
Looking forward to it!
All healed Al, bring it on!
What details do you need Al?
i will pm address etc!
Got 3 more spots
Trim ... need your details then I have everybody's (Thanks all)
1) Tim
2) Michael
3) Mog
4) Wes
5) Rory
6) Kingy
7) Dagashi
8 ) Peter (Trim)
9) Andy
10) Todd
11) JP
12) Gilbo
13) J the B
14) Me
15) Lyle (TBC)
16) Jase
17) Jeff (Bush pilot)
18) Bop (Allie)
19) Jeff Cutter
20) Grant Byrne (TBC 11 Aug)
21) John Domeney
22) Kriss Heimanis
23) Gaby
Thanks all for providing details ... I've got everybody's won is confirmed
Thanks to Todd for getting my name in, I'm so keen I'm desperately trying to get some annual leave organised as I'm rostered for those days, my apologies if I'm knocked back and can't attend.