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Lazo in the arvo

J the B's picture

By J the B - Posted on 07 September 2012

Sunday, 9 September, 2012 - 13:30
4 hours
Come Rain or Shine: 
If it's raining, I won't be there.
Meeting Point: 

Car park behind the science and puzzles place.


Sunday afternoon ride with the locals. There's talk of going to the pub afterwards.

Who's in?
hathill, stephen, J the B
hathill stephen J the B
What Happened?

Were you there and have a story to tell?

Ride Gallery
hathill's picture

Best comment of the afternoon:-
"Get back on your clown wheels"

J the B's picture

Must have been when I stopped to redo my face paint.

A decent turn-out, with around 10 all up. And it was good to meet all the local riders.
And you obviously didn't race hard enough in the morning, Stephen. Might have to change your SS to a fixie so I can keep up.

Maybe a fixie clown bike.

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