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Here is one for the Sydney commuters

Burt de Ernie's picture

By Burt de Ernie - Posted on 03 April 2013

NB: Originally posted elsewhere on the Global Riders Network and appears via syndication.

This is a pretty cool vid from which has used actual random GPX to compile commuter routes to work.


hawkeye's picture

Thanks for sharing. I reposted to Smiling

sleepalldayrideallnight's picture

Not my kinda thang, but that is cool. Congrats to all that participated

Chuck's picture

Looks great. Commuting to work on a bike is the only downside to working from home. Sad

Muninjitsu's picture

I wish I could ride to work.

The Brown Hornet's picture

Riding to work is awesome. Riding home from work is awesomerer!!!

philberesford's picture


trim's picture

Gosh...I need to buy a gps just so I can become a blue squiggle during my awesomeness

The Brown Hornet's picture

I don't have a GPS Trim. This fact does not diminish my commuting awesomeness. I'm going so fast I look like a blue line of light (kinda like Tron) to normal folk.

Butts's picture

That's my blue line going down the M4, its a cool project cant wait to see the final result.

hawkeye's picture

Riding to work is the only way i can get a decent amount of training time on the bike. Turns dead time in traffic into productive time.

Also lets me indulge my inherent sense of superiority as i whiz past all the smokeboxers trapped alone in their metal and glass solitary confinement cells Eye-wink

Pete B's picture

I'm happy in my ute, listening to the radio, safe in knowledge that if there's a massive down pour, I'll be nice and dry - unlike the poor buggers who got caught out on Wednesday morning!

*puts away stirrer*

Kooleen's picture

Could be my blue line going down the M4 Smiling

Butts's picture

Unless I rode with you?

I was with a mate, we went to Norwest and I turned back to Mt can see the both of us going along Smiling

Chuck's picture

I thought it might have been you Ken. Maybe there was a couple of blue lines down the M4. Smiling

hawkeye's picture

Nah, mate you still miss out. Eye-wink

Riding in those condition makes you a badass. It's in The Rules. Smiling

Although in my case it wull be a smelly badass. My shoes still haven't dried out properly Sad


hawkeye's picture

Just got interviewed by the guy who runs this morning at the top of Parriwi Road.

Wanted to know why I went via Mosman-Kirribilli instead of crossing over Spit Road and going via North Sydney, and videoed me answering his questions

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