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What is Mountain Biking about... Fantastic video
This video goes a long way in capturing what I love about mtb riding
Friends, nature, exercise, fun, fitness, laughs, improvement, speed, satisfaction
Ourimbah Helmet Cam Footage
Some highlights form my ride at Ourimbah yesterday.
Sometimes a full face helmet is not enough
This is actually a motorbike incident, but looks like he was going slow enough so guess our could easily happen to a cyclist too.
Warning... Not for the squeamish!
video of a section of the track (menai)
This section is basically all downhill. to get to this place the quickest and easiest go to -34.027541,150.994417 There is a car park and a tap here as well.
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IMBA - Bring the Riding to the People
Municipal mountain bike parks are a relatively new concept that, simply put, brings the excitement of off-road cycling to city-dwellers of all ages and skills. This is the story of three parks, in three very different communities, with one thing in common. All were built using sustainable practices on underused park land by an all-volunteer workforce in a remarkable show of cooperation among cities, land managers and private citizens to "bring the riding to the people."
Fall down cliff
Couldn't find the link with the original in it, and I know we've seen it before but this has an ending to it which tells you about his injuries...... lucky lucky bloke.
Singleton MTB track video
Last part of the track. I'll call it the Cows Bowels.
IMBA - Building Mountain Bike Trails (Youtube Playlist)
9 youtube videos demostrate a basic guide to builing Mountain Bike Trails
Not Mtb but still the most impressive thing i've seen on two wheels in a long time!
Watch and try to keep your mouth shut!
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BUCS 2011 XC Carnage
Some quality quality stacks in this video: Basically its a Students XC Race on some steep ass hill called Moelfre...