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Typical situation in France

Rider limitations
One of the tangents we went off on in the "Overtaking" thread was blind riders on tandems. So as not to divert the thread further, I'd like to explore that idea a little further here.
One of the comments was to the effect that there are some things people with disabilities should accept they shouldn't be trying, or words to that effect.
I'm not sure if it's up to us to set those limits when they aren't setting them for themselves.
This video might I hope provoke some further thought along those lines.

Kayla Smith is bad arse
"A Canadian woman has earned global admiration for stealing back her bicycle from a thief after seeing it advertised online."
"Was it smart? Probably not. Was it badass as all hell? Damn straight!" said a comment on the reader section of CBC's website.

Birthday ride
So, I've had my old DH frame kicking around for ages. Put it up for sale once or twice with no interest. So it's been just cluttering up my shed and as the young bloke has been getting more and more into riding and smashing rims and what not on the DH trails on his xc bike it's been in the back of my mind to build it up for him.
Going through some of the bits and pieces I had left over from the shop I realised I had most of the things it needed on hand.

One for the Trail monsters, strava heros and knob jockeys

Berms are boring, adventure is where its at
A lot of places could make a claim as being the Mountain Biking mecca of Australia.
Canberra, Newcastle, Cairnes... all have vibrant riding scenes and classic trails, The alpine regions have the epic back country rides and chairlifted DH. Over west trails like Munda Biddi stretch on for kilometer after kilometer after kilometer after kilometer...
But for quality, abundance and variety I still think it's hard to go past my neck of the woods. From groomed XC trails, Gnarly DH, classic All Mountain runs and remote adventure riding, we've got it all.

Life Behind Bars
Season 2 episode 2 Yard games
Training isn't all about kilometers

Experiments in Speed
What pommies get up to in their sheds in winter...

I only ride park
[Mod. moved to video]