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NSW Trail Advocacy

nrthrnben's picture

RNP track work day scheduled for this Saturday

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Hi all,

Sorry for the late notice but just a reminder that we have a track work day scheduled for this Saturday.

I’m going to get some good quality crushed sandstone dumped up at the northern top end of the single track, so any of those sites that need patching can be done. Or would it be better to have some dumped next to the railway tracks as well?

Patsy will be taking you so at least you’ll get a decent morning tea for a change.

darkmuncan's picture

HSMBA: Council Secures Funding for Old Mans Valley Cross Country Trails!

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Dear H.S.M.B.A Friends

Council Secures Funding for Old Mans Valley Cross Country Trails!

Hornsby Council have secured $185,000 funding through a rates
increase to build the cross country mtb trails.

Hornsby Council are looking to have the final report on the O.M.V.
mountain bike trails ready to submit for approval at the 20th Jul Council
meeting. O.M.V. is planned to have a green beginners loop, blue
intermediate loop and a small section of black diamond trails. A pump

hawkeye's picture

Warringah Council Mountain Bike Rider Survey

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I just received notice of this today. No link as yet. If you are on the mtbinfo mailing list, check your inboxes tomorrow.

On Thursday 30 June 2011 a survey will go live on Council's website that aims to collect demographic and participation data from residents and visitors who ride mountain bikes in Warringah. The survey is an important component of the moutnain bike research that is being undertaken by Council. It demonstrates to the mountain biking community that we are looking closely at the current and future provision of facilities in Warringah.

hawkeye's picture

Meeting report: Warringah Council 14/6/2011 re: trail works

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A number of nobmob and MWMTB members met Council representatives yesterday morning for a couple of hours at Manly Dam rangers’ office to discuss the mountain bike trail works program currently in progress.

The conversation was quite wide ranging. What follows is the high points:

The contractor has completed most of the IMBA master class and is familiar with both mountain biking trail requirements and Sydney sandstone.

Ray R's picture

Glenrock NPWS approved bridges?

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Hi, does anyone have any photos/designs of the NPWS approved bridges at Glenrock please?


Ray Rice

GiantNut's picture

Signs for the dam

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Recently noticed a random pic on this site it was of a sign saying "dont ride if muddy" how do we get these or similar at all entrances to the Dam? Happy to contribute time & money and would assume council and rangers would chip in.
A sign the size of the fire ones "open or closed" that could be seen when you drive down w/hurst would also be good

Exxodus's picture

Information from council RE: Pump Track @ Golden Jubilee

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I just received the following letter from council:

Seems something is happening including a smaller single track loop??? see image attached.

Dear Sir / Madam

I thank you for having commented on Council’s proposal for a mountain bike facility at Golden Jubilee Oval.

I also appreciate your patience in waiting for something to happen. After speaking with staff, I advise the following:


peddling home's picture

When should events be cancelled

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With all the recent rain in Sydney and looking at the trail status updates form Awaba to Appin being closed. When do event organizer reschedule events? Whilst understanding that event organizer invest a huge amount of time effort and money into make the event a success. local committees also look forward to the cash input it brings but having up to 1200 riders on any course under the conditions that Sydney has copped in the last week will chop it up and bring increased spot light on the mountain bike community from green groups and councils etc.

Rob's picture

Do you want shooters in parks you ride?

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Dunno about anyone else, but this news makes my blood boil:

Hunting in state forests has been discussed here before (see 'Conservation' Hunting in NSW State Forests) but if you thought that was a stupid idea, what about letting shooters into National Parks?

ChopStiR's picture

POSTPONED 2011 Tracks and Trails Conference

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I know this may be old news, but I thought I would post it up

REMINDER: 2011 National Tracks and Trails Conference Postponement Announcement

IMBA Workshop Proceeding...(more info below)

Dear Trails Advocate,

You have previously expressed an interest in gaining more information on the 2011 Tracks and Trails Conference. To those who have not registered at this stage it is with regret that the decision has been made to postpone the 2011 Tracks and Trails Conference.

Best Mountain Bike