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The Oaks

datafunk's picture

CareFlight Woodford to Glenbrook Classic 2014

Only ~2 minutes better than last year. I guess I really need to work on my DH skills.
Slow and steady improvement Eye-wink
54% overall / 66% by age / 60% by gender
== Edit ==
Added the finishing certificate.
It shows a few seconds less then my cylemeter or the official timer counted. Oh well. Maybe the more in the past the faster I get. Must be.

Chuck's picture

The NEW Single track Alignment meeting

A group of riders working out how they are going to take the KOM from Big Dog.

Rob's picture

Parking at bottom of the Oaks?

NB: Originally posted elsewhere on the Global Riders Network and appears via syndication.
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As you might have seen, our maps now allow for POIs (points of information) to be added and I've put in a few to try and show the way.

Was going to mark the information, toilets and car park at the bottom of the oaks. You know - by the gate on Bruce Road.

However, can anyone please tell me - do you have to pay to use this car park?

The NPWS sign I can see on street view shows parking, toilets and information. I assume there is a tap here too for water, but does anyone have any idea of where to find it? Is there also a picnic area here?

ROB906's picture

Comparing The Oaks to Six foot track

NB: Originally posted elsewhere on the Global Riders Network and appears via syndication.

I have never done the Six Foot Track by foot or bike but always wanted to. Now that I have managed The Oaks up and back I was wondering if I can now attempt Six Foot track as an up and back? There seems a little more vertical but the distances seem similar. Anyone got a good gpx file with altitudes so I can compare? Is there any drinking water available on the track do I need to carry everything? How much walking is there? I was planning starting at the cemetery in Megalong Valley. What do you think?

sykesey's picture

Oaks Evening Ride

Friday, 15 February, 2013 - 19:15
Ride Database Entry: 
The Oaks
Meeting Point: 

Woodford train station (south side carpark)

21 railway parade, Woodford, New South Wales

An evening/night ride down the Oaks and back up by train or whatever. The train up the mountain gets in about 7.16, I will be coming down from Hazo. Sunset is about 7.45 so bring your lights! Train at the other end back up the mountain from Glenbrook is at 9.13 which should give plenty of time.

Won't be race pace at my fitness level, just a social ride

If we don't get enough interest for tomorrow night I might shift this to Saturday if people like

psymaan's picture

Movie Manly Dam and The Oaks

NB: Originally posted elsewhere on the Global Riders Network and appears via syndication.

Check out my Manly Dam/The Oaks video. Hope you enjoy:

Give me some feedback to improve images if you like.

AdrianG's picture

Up, and up again, then back, starting at Glenbrook

NB: Originally posted elsewhere on the Global Riders Network and appears via syndication.
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Sunday, 25 March, 2012 - 10:45
Ride Database Entry: 
Ride Database Entry: 
The Oaks
Meeting Point: 

Glenbrook station car park.

-33.769197, 150.622262 (Glenbrook Station Carpark)

With a chance the sun will continue to shine Sunday, it's high time to up the training again! And this will be a great way to do it. Smiling

From Glenbrook up The Oaks, Ingars and then back via Andersons. This is an absolutely AWESOME set of trails, that make for a fantastic day's riding.

Normally, this route pretty much has everything, but missing this time will be any singletrack; I'll be giving the (short!) singletrack at the tail end of the Oaks a rest after all the recent rain!.

All up, it's a tad over 100k, which I aiming to do in under seven hours. Hmmm ...

Chuck's picture

1995 Specialized HardRock Sport GX

Post Bash ride.

Chuck's picture

Chopper crashes in late

Chopper rides up the Oaks to meet us.

Best Mountain Bike