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![Nerf Herder's picture Nerf Herder's picture](
"Official trails to stop mountain bikers in their illegal tracks" - SMH 3/10/11
Highlights moves by State Government and National Parks to provide legitimate riding opportunities in an attempt to curb illegal trail construction.
MOUNTAIN bikers will be welcomed back into some state national parks under a government plan to stop illegal trails being cut.
![Nerf Herder's picture Nerf Herder's picture](
Yellomundee Aboriginal Bushcare Workshop
For those that attended the IMBA soil erosion workshop last year, We briefly discussed with Rangers a workshop about plant id and local aboriginal cultural heritage.
Well here is the workshop that the rangers and local bushcare group have been working on.
Have a look at the attached flyer and RSVP before the 14th SEP 11.
A good opportunity to understand the plants and ecology that should and should not be on site, and better understand the cultural significance of the lands that we visit.
![ChopStiR's picture ChopStiR's picture](
Oaks Single Track Upgrade - BMORC meeting with NPWS
BMORC reps met with NPWS project managers to disscuss the Oaks trail.
A 3 year plan is being set in motion to upgrade the Glenbrook precinct. NPWS staff sought input from BMORC on how to improve the oaks trail and make it more sustainable and enjoyable for riders. Currently due to the layout of the trail beginner riders and those less familiar with the trail are often pushed to the road.
The trail was first approved so as to separate cyclists and motor vehicles. BMORC reps essentially covered the basics of IMBA guidelines, focusing on both erosion minimisation and also trail flow so that both beginner and experienced riders can share the trail and still gain the riding experience that they are capable off.
A good walk and talk was had and in 6 months the NPWS managers will be comimg back to us with a planned propsal. For the Interim volunteers will be fixing the puddle prone areas.
![Nerf Herder's picture Nerf Herder's picture](
Garrigal National Park Bike Plan
Hopefully will lead to a comprehensive state wide policy consistent at all levels of government and government departments.
Big thanks to all those involved.
Please remember to put your submissions in to support The Knapsack Reserve MTB Plan.
![moggio's picture moggio's picture](
Have Your Say Downhill Bike Track Knapsack Reserve
BMCC for the consultation phase is requesting submissions from interested parties.
The Closing Date for Public Submissions is the 29 August 2011 so don't delay.
You don't have to be verbose but just state your support for the project, the more submissions the better as there is still some strong opposition to the project.
![Nerf Herder's picture Nerf Herder's picture](
Mountain Bike Events Generate Local Income
A small example of how an event can generate diffused income into a local economy or community. This was a relatively small event (309 riders & their guests ... say 70:30 riders to guests)
by Staff Reports
![Nerf Herder's picture Nerf Herder's picture](
BMORC Jersey / T-shirt
Firstly Apologies for taking so long.
I have ordered a 30 jersey / shirt run in the Blue short sleeve dri-fit material. For those that saw the samples from Either myself or Mog ... its one of those.
In limited numbers for Large, XL, Medium and a couple of small.
Please post on here to indicate size and I will PM bank details. (Important to keep track of sizes available)
If you are quick, I might still be able to increase the order as they are being made now. Prolly have a week, but you snooze you loose
![moggio's picture moggio's picture](
Blue Mountains Gazette - "Community gets final word on bike tracks"
In the Blue Mountains Gazette Wed 20 July 2011
"The community will have one final say on controversial plans for a new network of mountain bike tracks in Knapsack Reserve.
Councillors last (Tuesday) night agreed to send an environmental assessment of the project to public exhibition.
![moggio's picture moggio's picture](
All Recommendations Supported at BMCC Meeting
A really interesting night where the recommendations were passed unanimously. There was no discussion from the councilors on the issue either. So all good news.
So there will be the community consultation meeting on the 7th of August at Knapsack Park and then the final council meeting on the 11th of October which will be the big vote and likely to be a little more complex .
When I spoke tonight I really tried to get across the idea of positive communication being able to get to the real issues and understanding each sides issues (yeah makes me sound like a 10th rate Bono.)
![moggio's picture moggio's picture](
REF Report and Council's Business Paper on Knapsack is Out
The REF report and the recommendation for the next stage in this process are going to be up at the next Council Meeting on Tuesday 19th July.
Buisiness Paper is here and it is Item 8
Have a read of their recommendations. It all looks pretty positive at this stage.
The REF report itself is here...