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1st Work Day at Knapsack Reserve
Well we had our first build day with council on Saturday and despite the dodgy weather and what looked like could have been a washout we had a great turnout and managed to finally get our teeth into the work that needs to be done at Knapsack.
This was in some ways a touching base and learning day. I must say the council people were terrific to work with and very much into the process and getting as much positive work done.
So we firstly removed a lot of lantana, (something BMORCers are getting very adept at) which also enabled the opening up of the trail again behind the ovals. We started rerouting the trail behind there which has been ignored and nearly completely grown over and then closed off the atrocious soggy diversion that was worn in by the runners.
BMORC Supports Careflight
Several Members of the Blue Mountains Off Road Cyclists are taking part in the NRMA Careflight Woodford to Glenbrook Classic on Sunday June 24th 2012. BMORC are trying to raise money to help support this great cause. Please visit the BMORC Fundraising Page to make a donation, you can even join the team yourself.
All donations are tax deducatable
Yellomundee Lantana Lash
This wont be your average bushcare day, we want every abled body to come down and give a hand! We want to see Mountain bikers, friends and families in the hundreds, this may be an exageration but you get the idea.
NPWS, BMORC & WSMTB are joining forces to obliterate a section of Lantana that often impedes on the Mountain Bike track and blocks a fantastic view of the Nepean River. The most essential part is to slow the spread of Lantana infestation any further south.
Transport Master Plan, Have your say!
The NSW Long Term Transport Master Plan Discussion Paper has been developed to enable you to have your say on the future of transport planning in NSW.
Bikes bring more money than wood from Rotorua forest
" A study by Crown Research Institute Scion shows the median annual recreational value of mountainbikers using the forest is $10.2 million - well above the $4.6 million earned through export revenues. "
"Win for mountain bike riders" - Blue Mtns Gazette 21/3/2012
Downhill mountain bike riders have welcomed the council’s decision to construct a track in the Lower Mountains.
A report to last week’s Blue Mountains City Council (BMCC) meeting recommended the development of downhill and cross country tracks be approved for Knapsack Reserve following a Federal Government department investigation into the plan.
The Commonweath Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities (SEWPaC) confirmed BMCC’s findings the project would not have a significant impact on threatened species and ecological communities on the site, which had been a major concern of opponents.
The report was welcomed by a large contingent of mountain bike riders who attended the meeting, however concerns were raised by the Blue Mountains Conservation Society (BMCS) and several councillors questioned the Commonwealth department’s decision.
Smile for the camera
Hi Team,
Blue Mountains Gazette is scheduling a photo shoot follow up article on the Knapsack DH approval tonight (Thursday 15/3/12) at 6:30PM.
I would like to invite anyone that is interested to attend the photoshoot to present at the carpark at the base of the Mitchells pass and the Great Western Highway or "the shuttle pick up" as I imagine it will become known in the future
A few Bikes for the shot would be good, I will be on my Trance, and yes I will be wearing Lycra lol
See you there!
Knapsack has been passed by council 6 votes for, 3 against.
Group photo.
Council to vote on Knapsack Reserve Bike Plan
The long awaited council vote is less than a week away.
This will be the fate of the Knapsack Reserve Bike plan. (Cross Country and Downhill)
For more information on the Council meeting and Bike plan, the council Business paper can be downloaded from here. Refer to Item 9 (Page 78)
Click here for date and time information
Trailcare Proposal - RedHill, Oxfordfalls
For those not attuned to other sections of the Global Rider Network ... I thought it was worth highlighting the Trailcare Proposal for sustainable mountain biking in the Oxfordfalls / Redhill areas of Sydney's northern beaches.
I bring your attention to section 2.2 which highlights many benefits pertinent to all areas, not just the northern beaches.