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Kingy's picture

Councillor Fiona Creed wishes BMORC well with Knapsack Downhill project

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Once again BMORC has been fortunate receive support from one of the Ward 4 Blue Mountains Councillors , Councillor Fiona Creed. Whilst unable to attend an 11th hour invite to view the new alignment for the downhill track at Knapsack, Councillor Creed made sure to get in touch and wish us good luck with the project. Given the missed opportunity due to the very short notice to see the positivity in the new alignment for the proposed downhill track, BMORC have extended a 2nd opportunity for the good councillor to attend the site and gain an on the ground appreciation.

moggio's picture

"Riding through the pain barrier"

Two Blue Mountains riders going great at the World Solo 24hr Mountain Bike Champs in Canberra!

"Lawson’s David Ludenia finished an impressive ninth in the elite men’s category while Woodford rider John Evans narrowly missed out on a medal when he came home fourth in the 45-49 age group."

moggio's picture

Fishing Competition - "Carp Fishing and Weeding the River" Yellomundee 14th Nov

Hosted by the Yellomundee Aboriginal Bushcare, Bass Fisherman and NSW NPWS.

Should be fun, especially if you hate carp and what they do to our rivers.

moggio's picture

BMCC Public Meeting - "Draft Mountain Bike Track Plan for Knapsack Reserve" - 18th Oct at Blaxland

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Very important meeting about Knapsack. We will need some numbers there for this one to show the support for the plan. I will put this up in the calendar as well.

"Council will present a draft track plan for mountain biking in Knapsack Reserve and provide an opportunity for discussion and feedback, prior to it being submitted to the Council for consideration. Interested individuals and stakeholder groups are welcome to attend. Further information can be obtained by contacting Matthew Chambers 4780-5694
Date: Monday 18 October 2010
Time: 7.45pm

The Brown Hornet's picture

Yellomundee Aboriginal Bushcare Group- remaining dates for 2010

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Yellomundee Aboriginal Bushcare Group
Working Days 2010
Time : 10:00am

DATES: 10th October 2010

14th November 2010 (Fishing Comp)

12th December 2010 (xmas party)

Yellomundee Regional Park, Springwood Road Yarramundi
(turn left after Shaws Creek bridge)

Please bring a coffee mug, a bottle of water and a fold up chair.

hathill's picture

Blue Mountains Hazard Reductions this Weekend

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Hazard Reduction Notification

Good Afternoon

Please be advised that weather permitting the NSW Rural Fire Service, Blue Mountains District, along with NSW Fire Brigades and National Parks & Wildlife Service (NPWS) are intending to undertake hazard reduction burning at the following locations from Saturday 2nd October – Sunday 3rd October 2010.

The locations and size of the hazard reductions are as follows:


· Date: Saturday 2nd October – Sunday 3rd October 2010

moggio's picture

IMPORTANT!!! Springwood Meeting with NPWS to Discuss Draft MTB Strategy Tues 5th October

A very important meeting to attend with the NPWS about trails in National Parks. We need a large number of people to call up and register.

Tuesday 5th October 6-8pm at the Springwood Country Club, Hawkesbury Rd Springwood.

Please RSVP to 4784 7300 or

moggio's picture

Community Meeting With NPSW to discuss the Draft MTB Strategy

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The NPWS are looking at organising a meeting on their discussion paper that was launched by the National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) on mountain biking in the state’s national parks and reserves. So from an email today from Melissa Giese.

"If there is sufficient interest, such a meeting would be held either at Blackhealth or Glenbrook, in late September or early October. You can register your interest in having a face to face discussion with NPWS on mountain biking by phoning (02) 4784 7300."

Best Mountain Bike