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IMBA's Take a Kid Mountain Biking Day
IMBA's Take a Kid Mountain Biking Day
IMBA will celebrate its seventh annual International Take a Kid Mountain Biking Day on Saturday, October 1, 2011. This is a great opportunity for you to pass your passion for pedaling on to kids!
In support of First Lady Michelle Obama's Let's Move Initiative, IMBA has pledged to get 30,000 children participating in 300 cycling events on Oct. 1. Last year, 20,000 rode in 200 events. We could use your help in reaching this goal. Broadcast Take a Kid Mountain Biking Day to your networks, host a ride, or sponsor the IMBA outreach program.
Warringah Council MTB Survey
Please take time to complete the survey. This highlights the demand for facilities, much like skate parks, golf courses, soccer fields, basketball and tennis courts to name a few facilities. Demand for recreational and sporting facilities for MTB are currently un-met nationally let alone within the Blue Mountains City Council LGA.
Oaks Sinlge Track closures Sat 4th
BMORC is assisting NPWS with some pruning on the Oaks singletrack and we would like to let other riders know that sections on the singletrack will be closed off on Saturday, 4 June 2011 from 9am. The plan is to close one section at a time so riders still get to ride parts of the singletrack on the day.
See official note here.
Trail Maintenance Day - 3 Volunteers needed 4 Jun 2011
Firstly, apologies for the lack of information that we have been sharing with Blue Mountains Riders of late. We understand not everybody has time to browse the website, however, this is always the best source of up to date information.
Apologies for the extreme short notice, however BMORC and NPWS/DECCW have banded together to organise our first joint trail care program in the Blue Mountains, focusing on the single track at the Glenbrook end of the Oaks.
Come Visit BMORC at the Hawkesbury Show
Thanks to the gracious invitation by NPWS
BMORC have been allocated space within the NPWS exhibit at the Hawkesbury Show
The theme is adventure conservation with BMORC sharing space with the Friends of the Colo (FOC), Nepean Bass Fishermen and local Aboriginal Bushcare and Community groups, along with NPWS displays.
Correcting misconception and false truth
- BMORC supported the council paper that went to council 16/03/2010 which recommended the closure and rehabilitation of Nichols Parade downhill trail. This is in the council records.
- BMORC supported the formalisation of Old Bathurst Road trails to a sustainable internationally recognised standard
- It is not illegal to ride on a track located on council land unless sign posted otherwise by council.
Mitchells Pass Gate Closure
G'Day riders,
Today at 5pm Blue Mountains Gazette will be reporting on the installation of the gates at the mid point on the Mitchells Pass.
Micheal Cleggit from the gazzette has requested a few riders to attend to be in a photo to appear in the paper.
If you are able to make it that would be great, no gaurentee that you will be in the photo as he only needs 3 but if it is oversubscribed then that's not a bad thing.
Many Thanks
BMORC meets with NPWS
Last week BMORC reps met with Tina from NPWS to talk about the existing Oaks Single track (aka Twitter Trail), how to improve on safety and erosion control.
It was decided that our first priority would be pruning back the eye whipping branches. This improves user safety. The rider will be able to keep an eye on where they are going with an improved line of sight and not need to keep ducking.
BMORC will be assembling a small team of volunteers to work with NPWS.
There are many items on the agenda and future discussions will be taking place.
Downhill article in Penrith Press
In today's Penrith Press -
NATIONAL mountain bike champion Danielle Beecroft has been forced to travel to the Central Coast to train after the closure of downhill bike tracks at East Blaxland and Mt Riverview.
The 16-year-old from Londonderry won the under-17 4X and open pump track events at the national titles last month.
But travelling to Gosford on a weekly basis does have its downfalls.
“I’m devastated because it was so easy to go and train up there (in the Lower Mountains) all the time,” Beecroft said.
and also about the trails
Western Sydney Mountain Bike Club downhill vice-president Steve Humphreys said the decision was made too hastily by Blue Mountains Council.
“The council made the decision based on an illegal track made by some minors after a group of residents protested,” Humphreys said.
“There are no legal tracks in the Blue Mountains Council area for riders to train. It has very much affected riders and rangers are now getting quite active and fining riders who are caught in the areas.
Yellomundee Aboriginal Bushcare Group- dates 2011
Yellomundee Aboriginal Bushcare Group
Dates 2011
Time : 10.00am Lunch will be provided.
DATE: Sunday 20th March
Sunday 17th April
Friday 29th April to 1st May Bushcare Conference and Cultural Camp
Sunday 22nd May
Sunday 19th June
Sunday 17th July
Sunday 21st August
Sunday 18th September
Sunday 9th October