You are hereWinmalee update for 15 Apr

Winmalee update for 15 Apr

BM Epic's picture

By BM Epic - Posted on 15 April 2012


Went out yesterday and cleared a lot of ferns down at the grotto run, also smoothed out jumps and hip section, have started work on the berm at beginning of grotto run, one more day of work will see it back in prime condition, as for the nursery run at halcyon, i have nearly finished the work there, a lot of damage has been done by motos, quads and also mtb'ers who insist on riding this place when sopping wet, i have finished a berm at the beginning of nursery run, i have re-routed a section that drops into the tree root for those that know it, it could NOT be recovered from the beating it has taken from moto quad and also mtb's, i have taken the track above the tree to make it long lasting, the root itself is now blocked off, the other effect this has is there is no way a quad bike can get through it, the rest of it is riding ok.
Blue gum swamp is a different matter, i went down yesterday, after hearing reports of small boggy hole i decided to look myself and get a photo, small boggy hole has not had rain on it for 3 weeks, and it is still 25 metres long, i will post photo, it is 3 ft deep in places, after speaking to a couple of people from npws we know it will be graded sometime, but we may go down there and try and alleviate the 3 boggy/water areas so they can at least be ridden until such time its graded, so if a couple of blokes can reply from bmorc we can maybe spend half a day down there to help alleviate the problem.

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