You are hereNewnes Rail Trail

Newnes Rail Trail

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To see this feature in context with others in the same area, view Newnes Plateau map.
Newnes Plateau

This is the bottom section of the old rail line that linked the Newnes shale mines in the Wolgan Valley to Newnes Junction (Zig Zag Rail way car park at Clarence)

Friends of the Newnes railway are pushing for the entire length of the rail corridor to be made into a "rail trail" which will give a fantastic ride.
At the moment the top sections are over grown and unridable in places and the section from the Tunnel Car park to the Tunnels is off limit to riders (dismount and walk, or take the detour down the coach road )

From below the tunnel down to the junction with the Coach rd the trail is over grown and hairy but the section from there down (map linked) is a fantastic ride for riders of all abilities.

Following an old rail easement means there is nothing too steep, just nice gentle grades.

There are 5 or 6 large washed out gullies that require short hike-a-bikes but the rest of the trail is worth this inconvenience and the very bottom section is great for younger kids and families as an up and back ride.

Once at the bottom across the river at the ford and call in to see Thomas at the Newnes Hotel (now a kiosk, Thomas also has Cabins to rent) and say a big thanks, it's largely due to his hard work that the trail is currently in such great shape.

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Flynny's picture

Just got this in from Thomas

could you please forward this mail to the mountain bikers.
The ride down to Newnes is really nice now.
With best regards

The Newnes Rail trail follows the former railway embankment from the Coach Road all the way down to Newnes. It is historically interesting with some old retaining walls, many railway sleepers, the railway maintenance pits at ‘Constance’ and two half buried railway bogies at Constance siding. The walk traverses different environments, sometimes on high embankments and sometimes in deep cuttings, and there are wonderful views of the cliffs on the western side of the valley.

To do the Wolgan Valley Rail Trail, start at where the Glow Worm Tunnel walk begins, 6 km back on Wolgan Road from Newnes. Cross the Wolgan River on the concrete causeway and follow the Glow Worm Tunnel signs. It is 30mins, uphill, (steep at the old mine), until you reach the railway embankment. Here you would turn right to the Glow Worm Tunnel walk if you were doing this walk. However, for the Rail Trail walk, turn left down to Newnes. The Trail crosses four deep washouts which have been made accessible through the installation of steps.

It is also possible to cycle the Rail Trail on a mountain bike and this is fantastic fun because you are rolling downhill almost all the way. Take care when riding, especially cycling the first part of the trail, between the coach road and the second gully. There are some tricky sections and, of course, you will have to dismount at the gully crossings. After the second gully crossing, it’s an easy ride, rolling almost all the way down to the stepping stones where you can cross the Wolgan River at Newnes

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