You are hereKnapsack Reserve update for 31 Oct

Knapsack Reserve update for 31 Oct

Chuck's picture

By Chuck - Posted on 31 October 2010


All good. There's another two trees down on track near the soccer clubhouse and only 50 meters from the the first tree that is still there. The tree that was down across Lovers walk near the lookout is gone!. Saw moto tracks down near the quarry too.

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Kingy's picture

Definite moto activity in the area, Howard McCallum and I even found moto roost all the way up the old walking trail to the stairs that comes off Mitchells Pass and leads to the look outs, Fairdinkum I can't believe these jokers.

The Brown Hornet's picture

Expect it to get worse as the concrete barriers at the top and bottom of Mitchell's Pass have been opened up wide enough for motos to get in. I realise they could find ways in anyhow, this just makes it a whole lot easier.

Chuck's picture

Hathill and I heard the moto near the quarry, I thought he must have been down the bottom of Mitchells Pass.

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