You are hereKnapsack Reserve update for 13 Apr

Knapsack Reserve update for 13 Apr

Muninjitsu's picture

By Muninjitsu - Posted on 13 April 2012


Big Red Car.

Seems that the Wiggles have left their big red car in knapsack just up the ridge from the dirt jumps.

Track condition is dry and firm.

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BM Epic's picture

Rode it 2 days ago, in superb condition, even down to the sewerage, shute etc, thought it might be boggy but no, we rode the downhill track for the first time, loved it, so much potential!!

Chuck's picture

More like Big Red Hobo's car!!

Was great over there this afternoon. Tim and I spoke with some girls riding trial motos. They weren't doing any damages, but I advised them that the locals will be after their blood if caught.

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