You are hereWinmalee update for 02 Nov

Winmalee update for 02 Nov

The Brown Hornet's picture

By The Brown Hornet - Posted on 02 November 2012


This is an update for Springwood Ridge/Grose Head South. The firetrail is dry and fast with no probs. The only caution is for people entering off Halcyon Ave, Winmalee. The area surrounding the sniggle has been hazard reduced with extreme prejudice! The crowns of the trees copped a flogging, which should give you an indication of how much is left on the ground (nothing). This has led to several large trees coming down, one right across the track about 20 metres before you head down into the creek line. I had a quick look around and there are several more trees that could potentially come down. BE ALERT AND BE CAREFUL! It is quite surreal riding through there and being able to see for a hundred metres in every direction.

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BM Epic's picture

Jeff and I re-routed part of the single, massive tree down!

The Brown Hornet's picture

Was that to the left?

BM Epic's picture

Nah too the right, now above where the pallet was, thus avoiding the water that always haunts us!

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