You are hereWinmalee update for 12 Jul

Winmalee update for 12 Jul

datafunk's picture

By datafunk - Posted on 12 July 2014


The tree across the DH section from Shaw's ridge is now removed. There are plenty of debris everywhere of course, since the wind keeps up. Some massive gums came down in the past few weeks since I haven't been out this way and the tree which fell across the ferns (b/w the grotto and the climb to the school) is still there - but that's been there for ages now I think.

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The Brown Hornet's picture

Thanks to Glassy and Chardy for carving up the tree branch on Shaw's.

Chuck's picture

I've been a fan of Glassy's work for a long time now. Smiling

datafunk's picture

Even if I don't have faces to your names: thanks!!

The Brown Hornet's picture

Sorry Mr. Funk. Glassy is the NPWS ranger for this area and Chardy is the field officer.

datafunk's picture

I may have met Glassy once on his rounds then - tall, well built physique with long hair in pony-tail?

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