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Bicycle thefts - lock them or say good bye !
From the local Blue Mountains LAC Facebook page.
Just a reminder to the owners of bicycles that there is a need to make sure that they are secured and stored safely - no matter how long you leave them for. Recent thefts in the Lower Mtns area have occurred - if you leave a bike at railway station/shops make sure it is secured with a chain (at least), and if you own a house we need to ensure that your property is safely secured overnight, and that garages and gates are properly secured. Keep on cycling.
Yellomundee Aboriginal Bushcare
Yellomundee Aboriginal Bushcare this Sunday 20th 10.00am start lower car park.Yes I know there a wsmtb club race but for those who arent racing.
Overnight rides.
Does anyone know of good overnight, or even 2-3 night, rides around the Blue Mtns, Lithgow etc? I'm in the process of planning a few now but being a lazy arse, if someone drops some in my lap I'll be more than happy!
Lantana Lash II
Tentative planning for a second Lantana Lash @ Mundee.
Aside from the benefits of clearing the bugger of a weed and opening up views of the river, The kind mundee rangers have started the ball rolling on a possible IMBA workshop with a more practical hands on trail building focus.
Gotta give to get as they say so it would be nice if we had +20 people at this shindig.
Aiming for the weekend of the 19th / 20th May ... subject to confirmation from NPWS.
Early RSVP is important so we can plan for the day.
Scribblies ride
Jeff and I are heading up to scribblies tomorrow, if anybody could help out and be sherpa for us it would be good, we will be at the car park at 9am, i know it fairly well, just want to be shown any changes that have happened!
Worth a watch.
very apt... but the message I'd like to highlight is the passion that people put in to work with the powers that be to actually change current thinking.
I think BMORC are lucky in that we have plugged away, and managed a win ... and now we need to band together to produce quality trails, have increasing volunteerism, self policing and produce the outcomes for riders, the community and the bushland environments we enjoy riding in.
Menai Email campaign
As you might know, I'm involved in working with ANSTO, Sutho Council and Gandangara + Sutho club amongst others to formalise trails in West Menai.
We're up to staff reports to council ...
Expecting report to me released end of this week and then the usual email support campaign.
Would appreciate if BMORC could support with brief emails to support the staff report and thank council for supporting the initiative.
Winmalee Track damage
Just been out to the single at the start of the Winmalee/ halcyon track start, it is now apparent that besides moto's doing some serious damage, somebody has gotten a quad bike down there for the second time in 6 months, with the end result being heaps of damage, this thing has torn the place apart,.
Get the monkey off my back ...
Soooo ... its been a good 2 years since I bonked on Andos ... even after eating all mog's snakes ... and now we've gotten knapsack approved ... its time to get it off my back.
Track classifications
New to this site and MTB in general. Having a look at some of the tracks but am having difficulty in working out if, well basically, if I'm fit enough for them. I have seen under 'List of Tracks' there are colours beside some tracks in a column marked difficulty. So my questions are,
Is there an easy way to determine how:
a) difficult a track is(fitness required)
b) difficult a track is(technically)
c) what do the colours mean