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The Knapsack Project

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BMCC October Business Paper

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Well the Business Paper for the October meeting is out. I was hoping for it to be a decision on the final everything but it is just another take note of progress meetings while we are waiting on feedback from the Commonwealth.

Oh well things seem to go slow... very slow.

Have a read as it covers the details of the community consultation phase and some other points of issue. I have attached a smaller pdf so you don't have to download the whole business paper from the BMCC website.


Nerf Herder's picture

Potential Funding avenues for Knapsack

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Thought Id list potential funding avenues as we come across them, so we can highlight this to BMCC ($100K to $300K).
Aimed at Local Govt and Community groups to build or maintain facilities

moggio's picture

Handling Water Runoff - Reference Documents from the Pony Club DH trail at Lithgow

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As many may know CTMTB managed to get approval to build a downhill trail and meet the increadibly strict requirements of the SCA meeting the final approval of Dr Bob Bannans of the SCA.

Of main interest in reference to Knapsack is Soil and Sediment Control Plan Part 3

moggio's picture

REF Report is back... So, what's next?!

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Well the REF report is back with council staff with apparently no issues of too great a significance. This will go to council at the next meeting on the 19th July after which will be the community consultation stage and the REF report itself will be posted up on the BMCC website. After that will be the next council meeting, probably 20th September for the final vote on it.

Of course as this is a political issue, how this report is used by councillors to make their decision and how they therefore vote is what is critical and unpredictable.

moggio's picture

Status of what is happening with Knapsack....

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There haven't been many updates on what is happening at Knapsack with council. Sadly we have just been waiting on the environmental assessment or REF report that was called for in the December Council meeting.

The REF report basically looks at where the proposed trails are and then assesses the effect the trail will have on that area. So if you have noticed while riding at Knapsack pink tape tied up in various places these mark out proposed realignment of the DH track and the extra XC links.

moggio's picture

Knapsack Reserve Revised Vegetation Mapping

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BMCC have released the Knapsack Reserve section of the most recent Smith and Smith Vegetation mapping that was discussed in the Dec 16th council meeting.

Having this mapping released to the public was something that was requested by councillors in that meeting.

and on this webpage there is further info relating to Knapsack including the POM.

moggio's picture

Proposed Knapsack Trail Plan Map

This was the map that was handed out at the community BBQ BMORC held a month or so ago. What this map makes clearer, as opposed to the maps in the BMORC report or the maps handed out by the BMCC, is just what is existing, and what is proposed trail. There has been quite a bit of confusion about this when talking to people. So simply, if it is a Red, Brown or Blue line it is existing fire trail or single track. The Yellow are the proposed new sections.
moggio's picture

IMBA Rules of the Trail

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Just want to point these out again as they are useful to keep in your head, especially when riding some where like Knapsack where the trails are shared trails with walkers and other users. The most important one here is giving way to all walkers, they have the right of way.

Mt Stromolo has similiar rules, but they include horses, of which there aren't any at Knapsack. This should be kept in mind however when riding at Mt York which is a shared equestrian trail! These can be seen here

moggio's picture

End Of March Update

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Been a bit slack of late keeping people updated on what is going on with regards to Knapsack and after some questions, thought I should post something.

Essentially we are all waiting for the REF report to be done on the proposed new sections of trail at Knapsack. This covers the areas of proposed and realigned trail that can be seen in the maps we have provided in the report that can be found here

ChopStiR's picture

Photo Track Planning

A month or 2 ago I took alot of photos from around Knapsack and then started fooling around with Paint. Thought I would post it up. Would something like this be helpful? As seen in the photos I have "Tims Ideas" as I dont have an IMBA guide to reference from.

Best Mountain Bike